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May 18, 2006 09:59

It's funny. Mom told me Tuesday that her new office manager/receptionist who has 20 years experience broke down Monday night and told her it was too much. It's too much for one person, they need to hire someone to help her. Well duh. I told her that when it was just me. But nooooo, she argued with me that she knew offices that had only one person blah blah. Bullshit. I recall several arguments about this subject. Well now she finally gets it. She has over 1000 patients, with that kind of patient load one person can't run the office alone. When I tried to tell her she didn't believe me, when the woman with 20 years experience tells her she gets it. What the fuck? When I quit, it was the best thing for her. She finally sees that I knew what I was talking about all along. For everything. It's funny, in a way. Then again, it isn't because it pisses me off she didn't listen to a word I said yet she's finally doing and seeing the truth of it all now that it's coming from someone else, confirming everything. My word wasn't good enough, because I'm her stupid daughter, but these people are professionals and her equals so it must be true. Fucking bullshit.

On to better things. I talked to Dre', the last front and obstacle, about moving to Florida. We came to an agreement. We're moving there in two years, after he graduates HS. He's going to attend college in Florida and room with Jenna, since she can't find a suitable roomie that she likes. Rooming with a girl is out of the question, they'll be at each other's throats, with another guy will make anyone she's dating royally ticked. Dre' is the obvious solution, he's like her brother. She's taking a year off from school so that will give him time to catch up also. She'll stay at her mom's the first year then they'll roomie up the rest of them. So we looked up psychiatry focused universities the other night. He's geeked about it now. The only other one to convince is Cara. That will be easy. They have a huge softball focus down there, it's the thing to do in that area :) so that will pump her up a bit for the move.

I haven't written much about Steve lately. Mostly because things haven't changed. I don't expect them to. Dre' is hoping Steve will move with us, but that isn't the case, it won't happen. Miranda had a break-down in therapy, it all came out about her dad and his alcoholism. She's mad at him for being an alcoholic and she's mad at me for letting him. He turned Cara into a liar one night. He made her lie to me about where he'd gone, she was with him. He made her promise not to tell me, but the truth came out while she and I were at the grocery store. I comforted her and told her it was alright to tell me the truth, she should never be forced to lie to me about anything. We hugged and I assured her that she didn't need to feel guilty about betraying daddy, that it was wrong of him to ask her to lie to me. In the end she felt much better about the entire thing.

Then I got hold of Steve.

Needless to say, I was furious. Not only had he made Cara lie to me, but his promise to Miranda about going to AA meetings after her break-down still hadn't happened. I told him to get out, I'd had it. He called AA that night and agreed to attend a meeting that weekend. He's working two jobs so weekday meetings are out of the question until school is out. Since then he's skipped several meetings and I caught him with a 30 pack in Julie's car that he's driving. Plus three empty cases and a ton of empty cans. I made him open every can of the pack and pour them out in the driveway then clean out the car. I told him if I saw anymore cans, empty or otherwise, in the car, it was going back to Julie and he would be without a vehicle and at his Mom's :)

I have no intentions of him coming to Florida with us, he knows it. The kids just don't know it yet. I told him we have to sort out the living arrangements before I move. So sometime in the next two years we have to phase him out of the house to get the kids adjusted. I can't slam them with their dad being out of the picture and moving all at once. I also told him that he cannot 'work them'. Meaning he can't in any way, shape or form try to use his alcoholic bullshit mind games on the kids to prevent this move or prevent me from getting him out of the house. He's done enough damage to the family, it's time for him to go. I said as much to him.

I've given up on him ever being sober and being a good father. Unfortunately, so has Miranda, she's opened her eyes and it's devastating to her. The rest just haven't coped with it yet. I need to deal with this and be done with it. It's dragged on long enough and it's doing more damage than good by having him in the house. I just wish I'd realized this before I let him back in. I hurt them more when I did that.
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