I've been at the clinic twice already this week, and possibly tomorrow too, depends on how Amber feels. She's very sick. The woman they hired for the front desk didn't work out. She was hired last month for two days a week and she's only worked three days. So she's getting 'the letter'.
Monday Mom was talking about me coming back to the clinic. Today she was talking about it. She forgets she hired Eva, a very sweet woman by the way, to work up front and she starts in two weeks. I reminded her about it Monday but she just keeps commenting about me possibly coming back.
She called to get the results of her MRI Monday and informed us that there definitely had been some event at some point, there was a 'space' and some other technical garble that I didn't understand, not sure she knew what she was saying even, she's still jumbling her words now and then. Of course, typical of our family style, I made light of it and said that I always knew she was spacey.
Here's the dilemma: I haven't seen the MRI report, she didn't have them fax it to the office which is normally what they do. They -always- fax the report. And I mean always. I don't know if this is real, or if she's faking it like she did her seizures. Ok, so now you're thinking I'm a cold hearted bitch, right? It's no family secret Mom faked seizures. She's done it on two occassions: Once when she was hooked up with this wench who threatened to leave her and voila, suddenly mom's epileptic. o.O odd. The woman stayed with her for another six months then the relationship ended. No more seizures. She had one more when she confronted my brother, accusing him of being a crack addict, she turned it into a loud verbal then physical confrontation with him, fell back while trying to pull him, fell to the floor and while he was trying to help her up suddenly had a seizure. Right. She later told everyone he pushed her, she hit her head on the cabinet and she became hypoxic from the sudden fall. Um, yeah, his shirt was torn where she'd grabbed it and literally ripped it off him pulling at him.
So... After all the bullshit statements she made after I quit, telling people I nearly bankrupted the clinic and other fucked up stuff, she's trying to get me to come back on the heels of her having a stroke yet I haven't seen the MRI report. I don't know what to believe. I should call and have them fax it if I go in for Amber tomorrow. Oddly, the clinic is on the verge of going bankrupt at the moment. After I left she went nuts and blew all the money on new computers, desks, chairs, a backup drive, all kinds of shit. Oh but I was the one that nearly bankrupted them by keeping her spending in check and making sure she paid the clinic bills so we had supplies? Pffft. Now they don't even have charts for new patients.
I don't know. I'm torn. One side of me is wary, thinking this is a charade to get me back. She's a habitual liar. Habitual liars believe the lies they tell, they come to think of them as truth. How else could she face me after all the shit she's said?
And the other side of me is scared to death that this is real. She's sixty and stressed with two teenagers and two newborns in the house and one elderly gentleman living with them not to mention she's running her business into the ground and somewhere deep in that convoluted fucked up mind she has to know she's screwing it up. Toss in the daily stress of dealing with patients and her poor health... And I know her BP was out of wack Monday. I took it myself and the systolic pressure wouldn't come down even after two of her normal BP bills and one clonidine. Then again, she wouldn't lay down like she was supposed to, I kept urging her to. Bleh. It would have went down had she rested with her legs propped up and let the medicine do it's magic.
Sometimes I wonder if she isn't sabotaging her own health. She's diabetic but doesn't eat properly, she eats a ton of sweets daily. Hell she'll eat nothing but McDonald's sundaes for lunch and dinner for several days in a row, others she'll eat just cereal, and munch on candy in between. She claims she has to eat the sugar because she becomes hypoglycemic. Duh, because you're eating nothing but sugar all day every day! Damn. Tonight she started slurring her speech and acting odd. Karolina insisted on taking her BP which turned out normal. Shortly after she was fine and spoke normal, was on the phone and told us we could go home, that she was fine. Rather than go home and help with the babies she decided to stay at the clinic even though we finished up nearly two hours early.
So is it real or a ruse?