Aug 05, 2007 10:00
Let's hope i get a tan. Dave and his family should be here in 20 minutes or so to pick me up. they are really so nice. This week i am going to Vans Warped tour for the first time! I'm really excited! Dave is going with me, I bought him a ticket. It's kind of my birthday present for him cuz he will be 21 on the 20th. :-)
Then saturday I will be in plymouth for a week so no updates. it's not like i update this anway.
One of my friends got mad at me because i made a mistake and i didn't ask her for her warped tour ticket so i wouldnt pay as much and she could get rid of hers. but i figure its not my problem that she couldnt go in the first place. i know she will find someone to sell her ticket too.
I'm tired of putting up with some crap that i put up with with people.
I don't know who posted in my honesty box in facebook about photoshopping pictures. I like the way i look, and as part of my feild photoshopping is art. so stop making comments about what i do.
Graphic Design is art. and I enjoy it.
I guess sometimes you have to say screw you to the people who do you wrong and put your damn foot down . just because i am nice doesn't mean you can walk ALL over me.