Ello poppits. Just a couple public announcements to make. :) This post will probably be edited later but don't mind that. Changes won't be important.
No. o1:
I just started a community for my creative stuff. This will include my fanmixes, future music dumps (not sure if the PLL will move... probably not), fics, picspams, icons, art, and just generally anything creative that I want made public. I was going to have it all public here but my lj is getting a bit cluttered so I think I shall move it over there. I'll link everything from here though, of course, so you won't miss out. Still, watch?
icklebitsy icklebitsy icklebitsy No. o2:
BE A LITTLE SOMETHING TO ME submissions open! Well, the never actually CLOSED but I thought I ought to re-pimp. See my profile for what's already taken. I am particularly looking for:
a xxx to my Aria (PLL)
a xxx to my Quinn (Glee; I'll also accept someone to my Emma)
a xxx to my Cordelia (Angel version)
a xxx to my Anya (Buffy)
Other then that, pick whatever you want! Real people are fine too. :)