I was reading
Jeff Tidball's blog, and he had a link to
GatorGSA's 12 reasons same-sex marriage will ruin society. This list is just too damn funny. My favourites are below:
2. Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Infertile couples and old people cannot get legally married because the world needs more children.
3. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children because straight parents only raise straight children.
4. Straight marriage will be less meaningful, since Britney Spears's 55-hour just-for-fun marriage was meaningful.
10. Children can never succeed without both male and female role models at home. That's why single parents are forbidden to raise children.
12. Civil unions, providing most of the same benefits as marriage with a different name are better, because a "separate but equal" institution is always constitutional. Separate schools for African-Americans worked just as well as separate marriages will for gays & lesbians.