Interview part ... uh ... 7?

Feb 20, 2004 19:10

So, in an attempt to procrastinate at actually answering the questions asked of her, grrremlinski has sent me a batch of questions from the recent interview meme. I'll indulge her tardiness without laying a guilt trip and answer the questions.

Well, ok, maybe I'll lay a small guilt trip... ;)

Anyhow, as always,

1. What are your 3 most recent obsessions?

Neve Campbell.

Oh, wait. You said most recent. Sorry.

Ok, first, I would say "music" but that's hardly recent. Music is a constant and ever-evolving obsession for me (my taste in music covers a rather broad spectrum that touches on virtually everything with the exception of country and classical... :). Instead, I'll focus on the latest band to totally capture my attention - Black Eyed Peas. I'm just totally digging their sound and every song I hear off their latest album, Elephunk, is awesome. They've got this great sound that really makes you want to move to the groove (I mean, really, try to listen to Hey Mama and not start bouncing to the beat...). Invariably, any time I fire up iTunes (link provided because it is really just that damn good a music player that everyone should use it), I end up selecting a BEP song before allowing it to go back to shuffled play.

Second, shows on motorcycle and hotrod manufacturing. Love 'em. I have long-thought that it would be very cool to get a "project car" (an old, beat up, classic car in need of repair) and rebuild it with my father (something I may well do when I finally get a house which I hope to do in the next year or two...). Now, don't mistake me for a mechanic. I know more about cars than the average toad, but nowhere near as much as the average mechanic. I just think it would be fun. And I watch shows like American Chopper and Monster Garage and stuff like that and I think "Damn! That would be fun! If I were to live my life over again, I think I'd give that a try."

Lastly... Well, I could struggle to come up with an answer that didn't make my life sound boring, but I'd really be making up an answer. I don't have a lot of new obsessions in my life. I've got lots of continuing obsessions (movies, tv, music, video games, etc, etc, etc), but not a lot of new ones. If you've followed my LJ for any length of time, you'll probably be able to guess the reason for that (quick summary: Guelph ain't that exciting...). Since I'm in a good mood right now, I'll leave the explanation at that rather than getting into it any deeper.

Suffice it to say that I've got my obsessions but life of late hasn't been ... new.

2. What is your favorite flavor of tea? Do you drink specific teas when you are in specific moods?

My absolute favourite is this cinnamon tea that was fucking incredible! The annoying thing - the store where I used to buy it stopped carrying it all of a sudden. I have no clue what the brand name was (I didn't think I'd have to take note of it...) and I haven't been able to find it again since. And I look constantly... It was awesome! I've tried numerous cinnamon teas since but all had too much tea and not enough cinnamon...

Do I drink specific teas for specific moods? Yes and no. I go through periods where I suddenly drink tons of tea and various flavours and then lapse into not drinking any tea for months. Check out Adagio Teas. They have a fantastic selection of various teas and they also allow you to mix your own concoctions to boot (though I can't seem to find that section of their page any more... I hope they didn't get rid of it...). Anyhow, back to the answer, when I'm in a tea-drinking mode, I drink various flavours with the most common being (in no particular order) vanilla, cinnamon (though it doesn't measure up to my favourite...), orange, blackberry, regular tea, coconut, blood orange (which is awesome!! Give it a try some time!), oriental spice, and some others that I'm forgetting at the moment. I don't know if they are linked to moods, but I do know that sometimes I have a hankering for one versus the other. May just be taste may be mood. Not sure.

When I'm not in a tea-drinking mode, however... :)

3. Have you ever had to stay overnight in a hospital? What were the circumstances?

Only when I was an infant (for things like a hernia operation and having my appendix removed - nothing spectacular). Actually, I did stay in the hospital over night a few years back when my mother was having an operation. I stayed to keep her company and try to make the night more tolerable for her. That's about it.

4. One of my super powers is getting large groups of people to engage in “Stupid Fun”. What are your current Super Powers?

Um... Uh... Wow. Tough question. Not really sure...

Ok, adamjury's no fucking help at all. I asked him what he thought my super power was and he said "the ability to go from zero to angry in three seconds. Well, that and the ability to go from angry to zero in another three seconds." While that may be true, it isn't that flattering and nowhere near as fun as getting people to engage in stupid fun at the drop of a hat so let's keep searching...



Stupid Adam... Damn you!!

Fine! Zero to angry and then angry to zero.

No fun at all...

(As an aside, I'd like to think it's the ability to get people to laugh at some truly stupid shit - just ask Adam - but going with Adam's "zero to angry" answer is more amusing so we're going to stick with that...)

5. Who is the single most important person in your life, and why?

Ok, this answer is going to sound like I'm an enormous ego-fuck (which I can sometimes be...). Me. Now, let me explain before you start thinking "wow, what a selfish asshole."

A while back, while dating my ex, Jasmin, I had a revelation of sorts. I care very deeply about my friends and family so I like it when they have fun. Back then, I was so concerned about their having fun that I sometimes became a pest and thus it resulted in them not having fun. And me not having fun. And others around us not having fun because we weren't having fun. It was an entirely stupid vicious circle... Anyhow, I had an epiphany - we're all adults. We should each be responsible for ourselves. If Jasmin wasn't having fun and didn't want to do anything to change that, that was her choice and her problem. She was a big girl (well, that might be open for debate but that's a tale for another day...) and could make up her own mind about things.

When I realized that, I also realized that I just need to focus on me. Making me happy. If I'm not happy, I'm the only one that can do anything about that and I should be the only one to do anything about it. It's my responsibility. Just as I feel it was Jasmin's responsibility to ensure she was happy. And it's each person's responsibility to ensure their own happiness. Don't doubt for a second whether I'll be there for my friends and family if they need me, but I can't drag them to happiness if they don't want it...

Also, though this may sound lame, if my parents died or my sister died, I'd be truly heartbroken. I love them dearly and want nothing but the best for them. Life, however, would go on. If I die?...

Thus, though there are a number of people I care about deeply and fiercely, I am the most important person in my life. I am the person I need to focus my efforts and attention on.

As a note, I fully expect that to change if and when I become a father. I can't imagine being a father without the lives of my children being the most important things in the world. But, I don't have kids (nor a girlfriend/wife who I think could also be the subject of this answer...) yet, so I'll be an ego-fuck and say "me."
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