Corona 2.14: Superstars

Jan 24, 2021 21:18

Pets, school, and relationships bring out the best in the Coronas
* chapter index*

Previously: Jasmyn launched her second LTW by adopting three dogs

Bingley starts the day with a good scrub.

Newsea Guajira RC by DeeDee-Sims

For his next number, he rolls in a puddle of dirty bathwater.

Dogs only bath by Around the Sims 2

Then he won't go to work until *after* his carpool leaves! Jasmyn has a word with him.

To be fair, my kennel management might be to blame. I unlocked the door; Bings wanted to exit through the locked gate.

I have a brainwave: I'll *lock* the house and *unlock* the kennel. Genius!

Girly Update (red) by sosliliom/TSR | Pet Stories Dog Agility Items at Fractured Moonlight

In doing so, I also give the local wildlife easy access to the dogs' quarters.

All of the children playing together. :)

NewSea Cauliflower RC by Skoogy | Child's 60's Dress by All About Style

Casilda has a great day at school.

It starts with her star turn as Simerella. She's inherited her father's acting chops!

Then her grades go up!

This string of pop-ups gives you an idea of what Corona-life is like.

Clay and Darcy share a carpool. For some reason, this amuses me.

Good grief! The school bus nearly hits Clay.

SM EM Everyday 04 by sandrinha/TSR

Clay: Hey! What d'ya think you're doing?!

Driver Hobart Collins shows no remorse.

Showing off Celia's outfit. Love the sneakers.

Skysims 56 Female RC by Skoogy | Stars in the City 20 by MJfashion

Now for the main event: Casilda's A+ report card!


Celia wants homework help. I can't think of a better study buddy for her than Clay.


In other news, the flamenco portal is still spawning dancers.

So, the hobby notice appears. Edith Lawson enters the house, turns around, and leaves without shaking hands with Alma.

I'm disappointed. I even freed up Alma so that she could be greeted.

These Hobby Sims are developing too much attitude.

Edith: What are *you* looking at?

Meanwhile, Ithuriel uses tough love to improve his relationship with Alma.

She responds by inviting over the angels.

Ithuriel agrees to come. He doesn't know that today --

Is Cherubino's birthday!

Newsea Tennis RC by Simgaroop | Rodney 04 by Cruella56/TSR

Casilda does this cute little shimmy to kick off the cheering.

It's okay. You can cheer for Cherubino. Just be careful this time.

Hair 52 by Cool Sims | Tatoo Sweater by All About Style | Archangel Wings RC by lilsweetiecori/MTS

Ariel gets up close, again, but wisely opts for a blow-horn.

Blowing out the candles.

Cheering Cherubino into childhood.

Cherubino ages up as a Miracle Mite.

He transitions into a blue outfit. I'm glad he sticks with that colour.

Meanwhile, Clay's trim new bodymesh goes to his head.

Clay: Do you think I'm sexy?

Dancing with Gramma.

Skysims 242 RC by Poppet | Shortie/Sweater Jeans by All About Style

Skimming a chapter.

Womanizer Lipgloss by SimsShine/MTS

Then my SimSelf shows up. I see what's going on here.

One of my 'toddlers' walked by after 6:30pm. Casilda greeted her. Right away, she said 'I can't believe how late it is!' and left. This gave my SimSelf an excuse to stop by, ostensibly to take her home.

Whisper Doll: Thanks, kid. There's a little something extra in your allowance this week.

4t2 Chocolate Muffin Top Chrome RC DeeDee Sims | Springtime Capris - 03 by kittyispretty69/TSR

Whisper Doll: I was in the area? And since Laura needed picking up, I thought I'd just, like --

No one believes your excuses, SimSelf. Not even me.

Womanizer Lipgloss by SimsShine/MTS

Lol, you can bring Ithuriel to a child's party, but you can't make him eat cake in comfort.

Cool Sims M63 Maxi RC by Piggi Sims | Leather/Shirt/Jeans by All About Style

Dirty dish? Cherubino's on it. Ithuriel has to dodge out of his way.

This kid is aggressively neat. As *soon* as Ithuriel finished eating, he headed over to clean up.

Wheat dinnerware by Morague/MTS

In other news, my SimSelf has forgotten how to toilet.

Casilda wants homework help and Jasmyn wants to help her. I match them up.

I sense a shift in family relations. Casilda used to be Basilio's girl. Now Jasmyn is taking more of an interest in her, and Casilda is responding.

Basilio serves comfort soup to another round of flu-stricken guests.

Ithuriel: I don't always eat soup. But when I do, I eat Grandma's Comfort Soup.

I happen to check Ariel's dashboard. He wants to fall in love! <3

Jasmyn draws upon her own successful love-life to advise him.

Jasmyn: And if they break your heart, we'll sue 'em. I'm The Law in this town.

My SimSelf listens politely then turns the attention to herself.

With modestly downcast eyes, I confess to being popular.

Darcy has a tough day at work. After a long nap, he wakes up stinky and ready to burst.

yellowpee mod by Pescado/MATY

Bingley: Do you mind?

i r help u :3

Cherubino: Thanks, buddy.

Darcy: I want loving too.

What you need is a bath.

Whisper Doll: ... and they want to be friends with me forever!

Oh my goodness. Are you still going on about that?

Whisper Doll: What? It's not bragging if it's true.

Just -- cool it, okay? You're taking up too much screen-time.

Whisper Doll: Me? Hog an update? I'm hurt!

Go home, SimSelf. You still have the flu. :(

Bonus photo

Bingley: *singing* Part of your... wo-o-orld!!

Thanks for reading!

Who are these weirdos?
Laura and Whisper Doll appear in 7 Toddler

sims 2

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