Feb 21, 2007 13:28
Just dropping a note to let you all know I'm still alive. I want to say things have been crazy, but that just doesn't seem to be an adaquate enough description. Things have been ... interesting.
I think it's slowing down a bit though *knock on wood*. I'm on reading week right now so I'm using it to catch up a little. So if you're getting replies for comments you made 2 months ago, that's why.
Things at work have settled down, thank goodness. For a while, I thought this one pharmacist hated me, and I was getting called in to the office all the time to talk with the manager because of things she had complained about. That pissed me off sooo much, because I take a lot of pride in my work and I was afraid people would start thinking that I'm unreliable. But now it's all done and over with.
School's finally calmed down a bit. In the span of ten days before reading week started, I had 3 midterms and 2 finals (one was for a four-credit course) to write. And this was while having 25 hours of class a week (with labs and seminars). That was nuts. But now it's over. Yay.
And then there's my biggest problem, and of course it's the one that's still unresolved. The whole issue of my parents thinking that I'm a drug addict, and dating a drug addict, having wild monkey sex with this guy, or whatever the fuck they're thinking. Honestly, I have no clue. All I know is that for a longest time, I'd never know if I was going to get randomly yell when I came home, or when I was in my room, or when I was talking on the phone (that one still pisses the fuck out of me).
My parents are freaking nuts. They're like nice one minute, and then the next, all I hear about is how all my friends are going to find out about my druggie boyfriend and that they're all going to leave me and that I'll never find a job, and blah, blah, blah. Seriously, WTF?! It's none of their freaking business who I go out with. And it's not like they know anything about Matt anyways. GAH. They are being so immature about the whole thing (admittedly, I'm not exactly approaching the situation very well either, but still, they're parents! They should know better.)
Everything just keeps escalating. Like my parents keep telling me to break up with this guy, and of course that just makes me more stubborn about not breaking up with him, so then they move on to yelling and insults, so I stay out of the house for more hours of the day, and then I get yelled at for that, and on, and on.
The funniest thing is that Matt's a morning person, and he's totally turned me into a morning person. So I get out of the house at 7-8 in the morning. The rest of my family will sleep until noon given the chance, so it's like blasphemy for me to be going out at that time in the morning. My mom's mad because she gets up in the morning, and I'm already gone. WTF? Would she rather I sleep until 3 in the afternoon like my brother does? Honestly, everything I do now is somehow blamed on Matt. These past couple of weeks, I've been studying in my room from when I get home from school until Matt calls me at about 10. And my parents lectured me about that because apparently I was spending too much time in my room and on the phone and not enough time studying. Last year, on the same school night, I'd be on the computer reading fics until 12 at night, and they were perfectly fine with that. GAH.
Whatever. And somehow this post turned from an update into one big rant. Ooops. Sorry guys.
Anyway, still alive, will get around to finishing fics eventually, I promise.