I'm back.
I'm working on getting internet access at home again, but right now I'm back in the library for the interim, which means limited time five days a week. (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat).
As you may know I've not been online for any length of time since mid-December and for about a month before that I was already behind in catching up. So... since I don't even think LJ will let me skip back that many entries on my flist, I am going to have to draw a line and say I'm starting again from now. (Tuesday 16, 2.30pm GMT)
If there's anything at all I should know or you'd like me to see (including fics I've been following, vids, new pictures, art) then please either link me here or message me?
Also, I have free access to Twitter on my phone until the end of next month and have been pretty much living on my Twitter page for the last month -
here it is incase you didn't already know it. Messages there from people I already follow will be up instantly, if you add me it'll take a while until I get access to the notification but if I know you I'll add you asap.
Okay, so that's me for now - love you all, I've missed you all so much!