getting too old for this...

May 18, 2007 10:23

for the second day in a row I got to work after nine and am just about asleep at my desk. I am being propped up by caffeine and the thought that at least it's the weekend tomorrow... (even though I have a zillion projects to finish tomorrow, the Sweet Charity layouts, the banners for the winners at spn_provenance, the fics for fic_variations and 100songs, the new site to work on, my hedge to cut because it's blocking my TV signal... *g*)

Continued Asylum reports will be coming soon, probably not today unless my brain kicks into gear within the next hour or so, and I'm not reading my flist until I've seen the second part of AHBL, so if anything important needs answered/looked at/squeed over in the next twelve hours - link me?

And of course there's this...

SPN Season 3 Here We Come!!!!

(ETA thedothatgirl? I have my shortlist of vids for round 5 with me today, I'm going to rewatch them over lunch and get my placings back to you this afternoon - I swear it! Since I'll be graphics chick this weekend, do you want/need me to work on templates or animations?)

second edit
Level 6 Shelver to monkey_matt: Who did that to your shirt?!
(he's got a 'designer' t-shirt on today with graffiti designs on the front. The rest of this conversation continues by email.)
Me: it was a drive-by griffitoing... (I think I spelled that right)
Monkey: I think I'm going to cry now.
Me: that's what you get for picking on me. I've got friends in high places....
Monkey: What? Level 6?
Me: S'higher than here...

Stangely enough he has yet to find an answer to that one...

And a later conversation:
Me: These biscuits are welded together, either that or I fail at biscuits.
(A minute later) I win at biscuits! And there's only a slight bend in it!
Monkey: No wonder it kept you up all night.

Whoddathunk Monkey had such a dirty mind, I must be corrupting him.

random, conversations with strange people, multi-tasking madness

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