Memes, ficlet call, and the Dalek Invasion of RC 1020

Jun 16, 2006 14:41

Today's another 'Rez-wraps-things-up' day. You have been warned. Don't worry, I'll cut things to spare your f-list space.

Number first, we were tagged about a billion years ago to do this meme, as the Agents, and we're just now getting around to it. What? We are busy people.

Name: Rez Montrose
10 years ago:
* I was eight years old
* I lived on a small planet near Polaris
* I started learning how to fly a spaceship
* I also started learning acting
* I wanted to be a pirate when I grew up

5 years ago:
* I was thirteen
* I had been on a space pirate crew for three years
* ..and on Earth for almost one
* I started getting into fandom
* I got possessed briefly by a self-insert Sue

1 year ago:
* I was seventeen
* I had just joined the PPC
* I got my own ship, which broke almost immediately
* I'd been dyeing my hair blue for a year
* I killed that Sue good and dead

Yesterday I:
* Wrote part of a song
* Took Jack Sparrow to Medical, again
* Took Dr. House back to his canon from Medical after stopping him trying to diagnose Jack
* Confiscated my guitar back from Flip
* Adopted a miniature Dalek

5 Snacks I love:
* sour cream & onion Pringles
* anything chocolate
* cookies!
* cheese and crackers
* Doritos

5 Songs I Know all the Words to:
* 'Can't Keep Out The Night' - Moby Dick the Musical
* 'The Galaxy Song' - Monty Python
* 'Pollution' - Tom Lehrer
* 'The Times They Are A-Changin'' - Bob Dylan
* The entire vocal score to Nightmare Before Christmas

5 things I would Do with A Million Dollars:
* get an electric guitar
* and some new blaster cartridges
* did I say fix my ship already?
* Shoe. Shopping.

5 places I would run away to:
* space, duh
* Tortall
* England
* Italy, I've never even been there but I hear it's pretty
* Discworld

5 favorite movies:
* Howl's Moving Castle
* Twelfth Night
* Nightmare Before Christmas
* Pirates of the Caribbean
* Monty Python and the Holy Grail

5 bad habits:
* incessant hair-dyeing
* stalking villains
* buying too many shoes
* excessive violence
* fidgeting while talking

5 biggest joys:
* killing a Sue
* freshly-baked cookies
* a new pair of shoes
* warm towels right out of the dryer
* flying a spaceship

5 Fictional Characters I would date:
* Dr. House
* Lord Vetinari
* Duke Roger of Conte
* The Ninth Doctor
* Otto Chriek

Name: Flip Finley
10 years ago:
* I accidentally blew up a battlefield in a medieval world
* ..and couldn't remember anything that happened before that
* I nearly got burned as a witch but escaped
* I became a wandering storyteller
* I met Rafe and Drian and found out about alternate realities

5 years ago:
* I had been to space stations in the future
* and modern comic-book universes
* and I'm pretty sure Middle-earth at one point
* I got the Whisk for my 'birthday'
* I started learning how to work with my character-blip abilities

1 year ago:
* I had mostly got my abilities under control
* I had just joined the PPC
* I had known Rez for maybe a year
* I got to meet Zaphod
* I started collecting weird jewelry

Yesterday I:
* Slept late for once
* Built a miniature Dalek out of pipecleaners
* Mixed up a new batch of PG2B2 and took it down to the General Store to trade
* Got back to discover the Dalek gone.. oops.
* Played with Rez's guitar while she was out

5 Snacks I love:
* orange sherbet
* anything sour
* jellybeans
* popcorn
* grilled cheese

5 Songs I Know all the Words to:
* 'Always Look On The Bright Side of Life' - Monty Python
* 'Nowhere Man' - The Beatles
* 'The Circle of Life' - Lion King
* 'Charlie on the MTA' - The Kingston Trio
* 'So Long and Thanks For All The Fish' - Hitchhiker's Guide

5 things I would Do with A Million Dollars:
* take a trip around the world
* throw a big party
* go have a spa day and get pampered
* invent a bunch of cool stuff
* give some of it to charity

5 places I would run away to:
* Hawaii
* Japan, maybe, if I knew Japanese
* US Southwest
* X-Men canon
* the Heart of Gold

5 favorite movies:
* The Court Jester
* The Lion King
* Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
* Yellow Submarine
* Monty Python and the Holy Grail.. you know I bet Rez already said that one. Whatever.

5 bad habits:
* nail-biting
* oversleeping
* oversnacking
* blowing things up
* starting arguments just to do it

5 biggest joys:
* killing Sues!
* successfully inventing something
* naps in the middle of the day
* getting to dress up
* hugs hugs hugs!

5 Fictional Characters I would date:
* The Tenth Doctor
* Zaphod Beeblebrox
* Fred and/or George Weasley (yes, both of them. Shutup.)
* Hoban 'Wash' Washburne (if he wasn't taken already, that is)
* Carrot Ironfoundersson

Second off, I'm concluding the movie-quotes meme as people have generally stopped guessing. The ones that were missed were mostly the more obscure ones, although I was surprised at a few..
The ones that didn't get guessed:
1. "Haven't you ever heard of 'peace on earth, goodwill to all men?'" "NO!"
-Nightmare Before Christmas
2. "Are you wearing my underwear? 'Cause I'm wearing yours, and it ain't doing the trick!"
-Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (I can't believe nobody got that one. Shame.)
4. "You mean you've never composed a hole book?"
-Yellow Submarine
7. "She's good." "..You have no idea."
9. "Now we're fucked. I want to know in advance when we're fucked."
-Lost in La Mancha
10. "And get a cat that can act!"
-Day for Night
16. "I wish you would stop."
-Sense and Sensibility (leave it to me to pick a really tiny and unimportant line, just because it was said by Hugh Laurie. Sorry.)
17. "Lovely model, never any trouble."
-How To Irritate People
19. "I did not leave the South Side for this!"
-Mean Girls (what? I like that movie.)
23. "Slam dunk, three points!"
-Scotland, PA
yami_to_hikari and festegurl92101 both got six right, so congratulations! You both win a mini-ficlet in the fandom of your choice! Hopefully you both know generally what fandoms I can write, so leave me a comment and let me know what you'd like. *pokes toward the comment box*

And finally, I'd like to introduce the newest occupant of RC 1020, Winston, probably the smallest and most harmless Dalek in existence.

You see, Winston is an inch tall and made of pipecleaners. But don't point that out to him..

..or he might EXTERMINATE you!
Well, no. He might try. You might get what amounts to a small static shock.

Winston likes to explore, I've discovered, so if you see him around HQ don't panic, and please don't step on him.

*checks around* All right, I think that's it.. Rez, out. *click-fzzt!*
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