Oct 09, 2005 13:53
i'm a little confused and disoriented. how could it have been such a good weekend while being such a terrible weekend?
thank god i have friends (or a friend) who can distract me from all of the worst things in life and bring me out of dour moods with her pahoehoe sense of alive-ity.
i sat outside and drank hot chocolate in the cold, went to petfest, played with live chickens, cried a little, laughed a lot, wore cowboy boots, fought about milk vs nutrition, ate vegan food and quit drinking. i listened to people's nightmares and did the dishes and sat around a fire for hours.
and i fell in love again.
maybe that's why i feel so happy, even though i know that i have no right to.
i saw brent across a yard full of people and fell in love again.
hello, passion. you show up at the strangest times.
thank you ( ) for all of this.