I have thoughts...

Sep 02, 2009 20:30

and opinions, some think I have strong opinions but then again isn't every opinion considered strong to some one? Just like how not everyone will agree with what you have to say. Believe me a lot of people won't agree with what I have to say but I don't really care. Sometimes when I listen to my ipod on full volume and walk around I imagine things. Like scenarios playing out in my head, stories involving my friends, people i dont know and sometimes even fictional characters. I perfer to exist in the fantasy lands that my mind creates where there are no limitations instead of reality. Everyday life is boring to me and not even regular high school drama can keep my interest any longer. I'm constantly dreaming of bigger and better things and wanting them to happen to me now. I don't think I'll last these last few years of high school living in this upper-middle class New Jersey subburb. It's all the same yet everyone is changing. Change, one thing on a very long list of things I hate. I always get upset thinking that all of my friends have changed since middle school and that they're leaving me behind but when I view my life from an outsiders perspective as best I can, I can't help but wonder if I'm really the one who has changed the most after all and that the reason I don't like it is because everyone else didn't change with me.
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