So now that we’re less then 2 weeks away from election day, the craziest, most whacked-out political attack ads have started running. I just wanted to share a few of the juiciest, most scandalous ads with you in the hope that maybe they’ll be able to help you make a better, more informed decision come next Tuesday.
The first one is entitled “Bad Call,” and it’s an attack on Democrat Michael Archuri, who’s running for New York’s 24th district:
This ad is fradulent, thought, because ABC News is reporting that the phone call was simply a wrong number. They write that "Hotel and phone billing records show that the hotline call was simply a wrong number -- a number very similar to that of the state Justice Department, which an aidto Arcuri dialed a minute later." Apparently, the aide dialed 1-800 and then the number instead of the prefix of the area code he or she was trying ot reach. That news story can be found at
here. Also, bonus points for anyone who can spot which source the Republican National Committee used for the Arcuri allegation - it's at the bottom of the ad in a really small font.
The next selection is also from the RNC, and this attack ad was levied against Harold Ford, Jr., who's running for the TN senate seat being vacated by Bill Frist.
Notice anything controversial about the ad? Yeah, I do too.
The last one I can't embed, unfortunately, but it's an ad the Republican National Committee is running in states with close elections. I don't really have much to say about it that already hasn't been said by other, much smarter people (such as Keith Olbermann, which you can see here:, so I'll leave it to you to decide: So anyone have a favorite out of the 3?