Title: you snuck your way right into my heart
Fandom: American Idol season 7
Pairing: Cook/Archuleta
Word Count: ~20,000
Rating: PG-13
Summary: David Archuleta is a first year music teacher. David Cook is a kindergarten teacher. The one thing neither of them counted on was falling in love.
Author's Notes: This is my first big bang (or really long fic, period) and I have to say, I'm still slightly terrified about posting it. I had lots of support from my flist (most of whom aren't even in this fandom) and I want to give special thanks to
cinderlily for putting up with all my annoying emails and freak-outs and for reading through this monster for me. I also want to thank
denied for making me pretty, pretty art.
Go check it out! (Title shamelessly stolen from the Phineas and Ferb song of the same name.)
Part One //
Part Two //
Part Three