Again time for a new entry. *bg*
Wanna know something more about me? Here you can get a glimpse:
A is for age:
28 (concerning to my identity card *giggle*)
B is for beer of choice:
Guinness --> SLÁINTE! ;-)
C is for career right now:
Some kind of IT specialist...
D is for your dog's name?:
Don't have a dog!
E is for essential item you use everyday:
A bed. *g*
F is for favorite TV show at the moment:
G is for favorite game:
Last favorite game was Carcassonne.
H is for Home town:
The first letter is a D. :-p
I is for instruments you play:
I used to play some kinds of flutes, piano and organ. Would like to play guitar, but didn't really managed it till now. :-(
J is for favorite juice
Water with freshly squeezed citron. Not really a juice, does that count? If not: freshly squeezed orange juice. ;-)
K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
Don't really know at the moment.
L is for last place you ate:
In the office.
M is for marriage:
Not yet.
N is for your full name:
Don't post it online. *shakeshead*
O is for overnight hospital stays:
At my birth and the following days I think. *g*
P is for people you were with today:
My colleagues at work and a lot of people in public transportation.
Q is for quote:
Don't lose hope, because otherwise you'll lose yourself.
R is for Biggest Regret:
Sorry, but my mouth is closed. *bg*
S is for status:
Don't feel like working. *hehe*
T is for time you woke up today:
5:55 a.m. thanks to my alarm clock and the fact that it's monday again. :-/
V is for vegetable you love:
Several vegetables. ;-) So let's say: tomatoes.
W is for worst habit:
Worst one? Huh, I'm not able to name something. But there are truly a lot of bad habits. *lol*
X is for x-rays you've had:
*thinking* head, teeth, toe, neck
Y is for yummy food you ate today:
A juicy nectarine. *yum*
Z is for zodiac sign:
Found this one 2 at the LJ of