It's that time again...

May 28, 2007 10:26

Oh bathing suit shopping, how I love thee.

Wait, no I don't.

I ventured out to Boscov's in search of a new bathing suit. The one I've had for the past several years has breathed its last. Thankfully the current bathing suits (at least in Boscov's) are decent, although I was in the misses's section. Didn't venture into the Junior's section. They were all one-piece suits and two-piece tankini/bottoms suits. Expensive little buggers, but I ignored the price tags (well, sort of ignored them) and tried on several suits. I went with a navy/white striped tankini and navy blue board shorts set. Perfect for me as I usually wear shorts over my bathing suit anyway, so now I don't need to bother hunting for my ratty swimming shorts (they never matched my bathing suit and were always falling down, which made the whole ensemble so very fashionable).

We were finished in under an hour which is always a sign of a good shopping trip. For me, anyway, as I hate shopping. I managed to make it home without getting a roaring headache, as tends to happen when in the mall trying on clothing.

We had a fantastic thunderstorm last night. It was gorgeous. I stood outside on the front porch watching it for a while before going around back to stand in the open garage. I took some pictures and video, but the pictures aren't all that great as the lightning was just lighting up the sky, none of those awesome bolts that streak across the sky. I'll see if any of the pictures are worth posting later.

weather, shopping

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