Mar 11, 2007 20:12
I felt like ten shades of crap yesterday. Headache, chills, my bones ached, and I surely had a fever. This morning I took my temperature and it was a little over 100 degrees. The headache was better but whenever I got out of bed, I would get really cold. So I stayed in bed all day, watching way too many episodes of The OC until I ended up taking some Nyquil and dozing for two hours.
The headache is mostly gone and the temperature is down to normal. Now I have to do all my lesson planning and report cards before I go to bed. As much as I love wasting a day lounging in bed, I would've much prefered that it not happen on a day when I actually have a bunch of stuff to get done. Oh well.
Ah yes, I was rudely awakened at 5am by some creature screeching outside my window. This happens every so often, but it is still disturbing. I'm guessing it's cats fighting, or maybe raccoons or something. Possibly the mysterious cougar that people were supposedly seeing around the area a while ago.
Someone tell me why they've made a The Hills Have Eyes 2? I have yet to watch the remake of the first one, but the original was all sorts of fun.
We have standardized tests on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week. Joy of joys. I have to spend those three mornings reading the blasted tests to my kids. I loathe these stupid tests. They're so bloody pointless and such a waste of three mornings.
Grandpa Simpson and Marge's sister Selma are dating. That's disturbing. But there's a Helm's Deep spoof with Lisa and Bart vs. the UPS-wannabes. Awesome.
standardized tests,