Charlie shaved! I guess being told he’s marked for death makes one want to look all clean-shaven or something.
Vincent! I had forgotten about him and/or just assumed they’d eaten him.
Hahahaha, Cheech.
Someone explain to me the point of the two new cast members. They’re annoying and don’t fit in and need to go away now. Unless they’re being set up to go the way of Ana Lucia and Libby. Then I might be able to wait for their dual death by Michael who will surely come back with guns blazing.
Do we think we’ll see Michael and Walt again any time soon?
Sawyer called Charlie a “Munchkin”. Excellent. He might as well call him a hobbit. You know they’re all dying to do that.
And now Sawyer is hugging Hurley and Jin. More excellence there. I love the look on Sawyer’s face when Hurley nearly knocked him over in his excitement to hug him.
And now Sawyer is making friends with Roger, aka Skeletor. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed Sawyer.
Sawyer is now making himself Jin’s English teacher. “Beer…Car…International House of Pancakes…” Brilliant.
Hurley just smacked Charlie. These two should get their own spin-off show. Hurley riles up the troops (aka Charlie) by saying, Let’s look Death in the face and say, 'Whatever, man.' And he shows some backbone by telling Sawyer, Shut up, Red...Neck...Man. It’s like a new super hero or something.
Hurley and Charlie are in the DeathMobile with Sawyer and Jin about to push them down a really steep hill towards rocks at the bottom. Let’s all crouch on the edge of our seats in anticipation of what will happen next.
So when Charlie is done hugging Hurley now that the car is working, are they just going to pop over to their local SuperWawa to get gas? No, the four of them are just going to go cruising for chicks and possibly run over Vincent in the process. Oh wait, Vincent is in the car with them. Never mind.
Sawyer is all alone with his old stale beer because Kate left him to go get help to rescue Jack. Apparently she wants to spend her time hanging out with Rousseau. Like we didn’t see that one coming.
Last night after the Reconciliation prayer service, one of my kids' parents came up to me and asked me the most completely random question: Do you think Hermione is Harry's sister? We're always talking Harry Potter whenever we happen to see each other, but that question just came out of nowhere. Definitely a theory I never really thought about, but I don't see that happening. I think that would be too soap opera-esque.
Today was gorgeous, once the rain stopped during the morning. It was about 60 degrees and sunny, with a bit of a breeze. I had to find an alternate route to and from school due to lots of flooding, but the rain washed the majority of the dirty snow away. I am all sorts of ready for Spring to get here. My feet are itching to put on the flipflops (well, not itching. I don't have Athlete's Foot or anything) and the long summery skirts are calling me to take them out of hibernation. But I fear we're in for more cold temperatures this upcoming week. Bugger that.