I came back to school this morning to a horrific sight left on my desk. The sub left a note and said that some of my little bastards had completely ripped a page out of one of my animal encyclopedias for kids. It is a full page shot of a penguin and I just stood there with the ripped page in my hand for a few minutes, trying to process the complete disrespect for my things. We have had several talks since the beginning of the school year about how I have a really hard time sharing my books with people so it’s a big thing that I’m sharing all my books with them. We talked about how I expect them to treat all books as though they were made out of glass. And the little bastards went and ripped my book. At least it was ripped out from the spine sort of, and not ripped across the picture.
I was so pissed off. I ripped them a new one once they were all in the classroom this morning. Then I told them they are not to touch my books until I say they can. Who knows how long the book ban will last. I stay pissed for a very, very long time when someone messes with my books. I nearly cried when my kindergarteners succeeded in breaking the spine of this huge book of pictures of North America that I let them look at last year. Seriously, I was pretty much fighting back tears as I was holding that book up, with the cover just dangling off. It reminded me of when my brother Pat broke his wrist and his hand was just dangling off the end of his arm.
Have a mentioned that they’re bastards? They don’t even care. I want to cover them all in paper cuts and drown them in lemon juice.
Moving on, from
I will assign you a letter and then you have to write about 10 favorite things that start with that letter. If you want me to assign you a letter, then comment and ask for one. Then, post the 10 things that start with your letter in your journal and pass it on.
Sarah assigned me the letter W.
water: it is life giving and free. And pretty much the only thing I drink other than milk.
eWan: He totally counts as a W word. Shut up. I could’ve gone with obi-Wan, but opted for the man himself.
weekends: If God hadn’t created weekends, I would’ve gone postal years ago. During the school year, weekends are pretty much the only thing that keeps me going.
wonton soup: I love Chinese food and wonton soup is nummy.
water closets: bathrooms = my best friends. I can tell you the location of a bathroom within ten seconds of entering a building. I have Bathroom Radar.
Wawa: like water, it is life giving. If only it were free. Wawa has splendiferous hoagies and excellent hot chocolate. It also is good to hit up for snacks before a movie. And always good for a pint or two.
wilderness: I love open spaces untouched by stupid people. I’m all about communing with nature and being left alone. Little cabin in the woods sounds wonderful to me.
Wraiths, Ring: Love them. They were so much cooler on horses, at least in the movies. I was not feeling the portrayal of the flying beasts.
wittiness: if you’re not witty, I pretty much don’t have time for you. It boggles my mind that people can go through life without a sense of humor. What’s the point?
Wolverine: I was a sucker for the character in the cartoon when I was younger and now Hugh Jackman…yeah. He rocks. (Now if Gambit started with a W, he’d be up here too. Maybe there’s a silent W. Wgambit. You know the English language likes its silent letters)
If you want me to assign you a letter, leave a comment!