Oct 26, 2003 19:02
I got bored the other day and started going through my old journals. Here’s a paragraph from Nov. 2, 1999 that amused me:
So here I am, sitting in the dark, pondering my existence. Well, not really. I’m not truly that deep. Actually I’m just hoping the lights come back on by 8pm so I don’t miss Just Shoot Me, That 70s Show and Buffy. See? I’m not complex at all. I just have a very shallow, one track mind.
Amazing how nothing has changed in four years.
Attempted to terrorize Messiah this weekend. Got to see Pirates and laugh when the sound went all wonky at the end. Everyone sounded like they were underwater.
Renaissance Faire today. I nearly bought two little “dragons” aka small lizards aka anoles. Aka incredibly cute. But I talked myself out of it as I really am quite the bad pet owner. But I might actually check out the local pet stores sometime and see how the prices are. Because they don’t need heat lamps, just room temperature that’s not freezing. Was pondering getting a sword too, eyeing Sting, but the handle was just painted, not carved or whatever it is in the catalog. That just threw me off it. The rather cute jester, random guy with creature on his shoulder and a fat friar got all up in our faces and talked to us. I’ll take the jester, please.
I’ll have to hit up the Faire next year, except next time I’ll get more sleep and eat something other than chocolate chip brownies, coffee cakes, McDonald’s hash brown and milkshake for breakfast. I’m craving a big salad now.
Rather tired. Really don’t want to go to field experience tomorrow. And I have an evil paper due Tuesday that I haven’t started yet and don’t plan on starting tonight as I must prepare myself for Alias.
ren faire