Phones are evil

May 22, 2003 12:33

I love this song. I need to get this movie.

All is well. My dad called the phone company this morning and the $257 for the Collect call has been taken off the bill. Good because I felt horrible. I was just about to tell my dad I’d pay for it when he told me he fixed it.

Moral of the story: DO NOT accept Collect calls. I hope no one in my family has to ever use Collect to call here because they’ll be screwed now. Get a cell phone, people.

I’ve been making random compilations of CDs this morning. Radio bores me and I haven’t bought a new CD in a while, so I’m combining. Something new, stimulating, and time-wasting to do.

Think I’ll watch Lilo and Stitch sometime today to see if I have to return it for a non-scratched one. I hope I don’t have to, although I will be hitting Blockbuster again very soon to grab a used DVD of One Hour Photo because they’re having a 25% off previously viewed movies sale. And we all know how I cannot resist a movie sale.

Am annoyed. I forgot to call my sister last night and tell her Roar is on at 8pm. So there’s another episode I’ve missed. Bloody hell and poo.

Hehehe, poo. That reminds me of the word I came up with last night.

If piddle means to pee, then what would the word be for poop? Poodle?

I need to keep track of all the words and meanings that we come up with.

Pride: (7 things you are you proud of?)
01. my relatively quick wit
02. my sarcasm
03. the fact I am not easily embarrassed
04. my movie obsession
05. my DVD collection
06. my musical ability (if you can call it that)
07. my stubbornness

Envy: (7 things/people you are Envious of?)
01. people who know what they want to do with their lives
02. people with money to travel
03. anyone who gets to work on movies
04. people with money for massive amounts of books
05. people with money. I don’t want to be them. I just want their money.
06. anyone who can go horseback riding whenever they want
07. people with cars that don’t cause them problems

Gluttony: (7 things you love to eat?)
01. chocolate
02. pizza
03. ice cream
04. meat
05. potatoes
06. candy (just about any kind)
07. pasta

Lust: (7 things/people you lust after?)
01. Ewan McGregor
02. Orlando Bloom
03. Jude Law
04. Heath Ledger
05. David Anders
06. Norman Reedus
07. Colin Farrell

Anger: (7 things or people that make you angry?)
01. people who don’t use their turn signals
02. slow drivers
03. drivers in general
04. stupid people
05. people in general
06. politics
07. hmmm, I think #5 pretty much covers it all

Greed: (7 things that you are greedy over/for?)
01. chocolate
02. DVDs
03. books
04. CDs
05. the pretty men I lust over
06. money (I’ll admit it)
07. time off

Sloth: (7 things you hate doing?)
01. going to work
02. going to class
03. mowing the lawn
04. vacuuming the pool
05. using the phone
06. going to family parties
07. socializing

Random quote of the day:
I mean, do you really know where Harvard is? It’s another planet, man. Another universe, totally unlike the one we know. Filled with big blonde guys who eat ivy and row boats.
~Eddie to AJ in Empire Records

music, quotes, i hate the phone, meme, movies, deep thoughts

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