Boy, this one's a long one.

May 05, 2003 23:46

The funniest thing happened in work tonight. This man comes up to me holding this hideous green pot we sell. It’s basically this round ball with a tiny opening at the top. I ask him if he needs any help and he says, “Well, you won’t believe this, but my finger is stuck.” I look down and see his finger in the opening of the pot. Look at him and say, “You’re joking, right?” No, he was not joking. The moron had gotten his finger stuck in the pot.

I say, “Well, maybe we could try soap and water to get it out,” and he asks if we have any oil or something so I say we have lotion somewhere. We go up to the registers and that’s when the assistant manager appears. I say, “This gentleman has gotten his finger stuck in that pot.” And the two of us look at each other and it was all we could do not to bust out laughing. She goes and gets some hand lotion she has and when she comes back the other person working with us comes up. He finds out what happened and all three of us lost it. We kept apologizing for laughing at the situation, but we could not stop. Finally the guy decides to try twisting his finger again and viola! It popped out.

He left to put the pot away after asking us how we would have picked up the pot and after poking his finger into the hole again. The manager was like “Don‘t do that!”. Apparently he had stuck his finger in the hole to pick it up. The three of us at the same exact time held out our hands as though we were picking it up while holding onto the sides. That just set us laughing again. When he left the register area we were in hysterics. It got so bad that I had to go into the stock room and calm down because I was bright red and starting to cry from laughing so hard. Then whenever we would pass each other in the store, we bust out laughing again.

I will never be able to look at that hideous pot again without wetting myself laughing.

Ooo, finally bought a hammock today. Home Depot has a double wide one with the stand for $119. Pier 1’s hammock alone is usually $100 but it’s on sale for $79 right now, but the stand is separate and it’s $90 plus shipping as we don’t carry it in the store. We severely rip people off. So Home Depot is my new god. Unfortunately it was raining today so I couldn’t set it up. I’m hoping tomorrow is nice enough for me to try it out. I’ve wanted a hammock for years and now I have one. I plan on using it everyday this summer as it will be perfect for reading. Am very excited.

I knew how it was going to end as I read it in EW but even before I read the article, I knew they’d have her go through with it because it’s the WB. They’re not Pro-Life. Hell, there are very few people involved in television and show business that seem to be Pro-Life. It was fun watching it with my mother, the secretary of this county’s Pro-Life Coalition. But she was relatively well-behaved until the ending when the doctor went to confession. I have to say that was shite to throw on the end, but that’s just the Catholic in me talking.

I think it was pretty good but I of course would have written it differently. My mother’s comment halfway through the episode was Obviously this girl has never watched Gilmore Girls, meaning the girl didn’t know that having the baby could turn out well.

My favorite part was the exchange between Ephram and Bright when Bright asked Ephram to the prom. I think those two are my favorite characters.

And the Penthouse thing? My mother and I were in hysterics.

Colin needs to leave the show in a major way.

My Remember the Titans DVD arrived today and according to my Newsies DVD and my book have been shipped today so I’m expecting a lovely package tomorrow. I love mail.

Happy thought of the day: Ewan on Regis tomorrow morning! ABC 9am EST.


stupid people, hammock love, tv, dvds, pier 1

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