Tired, bored, and just don't care anymore

Apr 01, 2003 12:22

Internet Explorer is acting all wonky for me at school. Pain in the butt.

Had a test at 8:15 this morning. I think I prepared the least for that test than any other test I've taken, at least in college. If I walk away with a B or higher I will be incredibly impressed.

Got my Bio test from last week back. 59/80 with a chance to add 8 points if I do the extra credit for Thursday. She initially had it down as 49, but since I'm so smart, I went through and checked her math. I showed her after class and all is swell now, especially considering the amount of studying I did not do for that test.

I didn't even bat an eye when I got the test back today and saw the 49/80. I think I have a problem. I don't care about grades and school at all anymore. I've never really cared much before, but it's getting a lot worse. I think I need to work on that. That could pose a problem for me later in the semester.

I would give anything to be able to go home and curl up in bed and sleep. Actually, I would give anything for a 70 degree day, a hammock and me in the hammock with a book, having just eaten a delicious lunch. And then I can doze off while swaying gently in the hammock.

Damn. Is the semester over yet? Did the hammocks at work go on sale yet?

is it summer yet?, biology class, college

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