I'm doing it for dollars and for a fancy man

Aug 09, 2012 08:48

Sun, Moon & Stars Cup today. I need to plant the fall brussel sprouts today. And maybe get some late Kale, since everyone is asking me if I grow kale. I’m going to try it.

As you can tell I slept in this morning. Hubby said he didn’t need a lunch. The VP of global information security has taken a shine to my hubby and he invited him to not only a beer after work yesterday, but lunch. So I got some extra sleep. I went to bed early, too. I was so fatigued yesterday it was ungodly. The kind of body tired that I had during military training. But it was tough pushing me yesterday. My internal voice kept saying, “Will you get up and move already.” Lots of pauses looking off into nowhere. Sitting down and just starring off into space. I pissed and moaned on FB about being so tired and it feeling off and weird. I’m going to blame it on the planetary alignment transition. I feel a little better today. I also ate some junk yesterday - chips, soda, chocolate (okay the later was not necessarily ‘junk’). But my diet has been so good, I have no idea except for just not thinking why I did that. So today, it’s back on the feel-good-food bandwagon. With football practice eating healthy is a challenge. Tank and I determined yesterday that a smoothie before practice is good for him so he has fuel, but isn’t ‘full.’ And he just eats reasonable when he gets home.

There are a few sections that still need to be accomplished before the Big Ass BBQ on Saturday. The fridge and stove were neglected yesterday, so I tackle them today. My desk and three hot spots in the media room, the path to the garaginator, and finish the last of my weeding (I did the Deku tree yesterday because it was nice and cool under it - the humidity was sick yesterday), to include the pine trees, the front bed and a little bit in the herb garden. Then the outside for me is done. Friday I’m going to my writers group and then cleaning the hall bath (this is like hazmat area for me, because it’s the kids’ bath and although they “clean” it everyday, it’s not Mommy clean). That leaves just mopping floors on Saturday morning and setting up the canopy, tables and chairs, putting up signs for the trash, lavatory and Authorized Access Only. And laundry. Oi. Fucking laundry.

Oh and I continue to be thrilled with all the photos and data coming back from Mars. Screw those Luddites who say it’s a waste of money. The fucking Olympics is a waste of money.

Well Miss Sleep In and Be Lazy needs to get her fanny in gear. I guess the extra sleep last night was worth it. I’m still loving the Niki and The Dove music, but I’m going to give you something else today, too, that’s on the Soundtrack:

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babbq, clean all the things, fighting fatigue, soundtrack, needing the sea, write life, the flylady

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