Become the master of the invisible that swirls around you..

Jun 05, 2012 06:12

I was happy when the rain returned. Now it can go away. It can go away like sleep. I did get maybe a whole two hours because I won’t let myself leave my bed. I just lay there reading or eyes closed trying hard to clear my head. Listening to my husband snore (albeit less intrusive than before the all-glorious breathe-right strips). But then I awoke again nearly an hour ago. I thought perhaps I heard Bean slunking around and I went to see if there was evidence of him on the computer or eating or doing some other things, but it doesn’t appear so. He started a new med last night - I don’t know why the doc insists on giving him so many of his meds at bedtime, that seems counter intuitive. Oh well, we’ll see how he does on this one. More on that later.

I think tonight’s insomnia was built on pain and the knowledge that Since the beginning of the year I sent out 12 separate things for submission and 12 rejections have been returned. Received the last notice last night before I was heading to bed (or as I term it now, simply changing gravity).

Course now I feel like I could climb into bed and sleep all day. Ain’t that some shit.

But no doing. Dentist appointments for all but hubby today. I have a client meeting at 0930 hours - that ought to be grand on no fucking sleep. And I have a short story to finish for submission.

The ringing in my ears about drove me batshit crazy during my bout with insomnia last night.

So yesterday, full of pain both Army-injury related and Lady-Parts related. Not a good day to have a job interview, as it were, but gotta suck it up. And I really hate my dentist - he’s awful. Supposedly, I have his associate today. I hope so, because I really don’t like him. But in a small town, it’s hard to switch dentists.

Speaking of dentists, just $508 more dollars and Bean’s braces are paid for.

Did the writing café again yesterday and hopefully helped one of our group to understand sensory moment writing. It was easier to do that exercise with him because he’s writing memoir. Not sure if it would work with someone doing fiction. Might try it with the group at a workshop session and see.

Got my eyes checked yesterday. No further deterioration. Eye health good. No new glasses needed, which is good because my insurance wouldn’t cover a new ‘script. Course I sit here right now without them on and can do “ok” but that’s because it’s the computer and not something flat I’m reading. And I’m just typing my own thoughts, so I can fake it until I make it.

Meanwhile as I was getting my eye poked et al, Hubby was at the Pdoc with Bean. Doc was incredulous that we took him off the Risperidone at his own request and after observing that it was doing nothing but making him in a constant Hulk-smash state. Also incredulous that we balked at putting him back on Seroquel or exchanging Trazadone for Ambien for sleep. The short of it is that she prescribed him another anti-psychotic - this one for patients who present atypical for other anti-psychotics, but this one was specifically designed for irritability in autism spectrum patients. So we’ll see if it works. Problem was that it’s brand-name and my lame-ass insurance will not cover brand-name medications. Must. Be. Generic. So according to hubster, the doc went through some phone calling and we were afforded basically a 5 month supply from the drug company itself. You even get this card that is like the modern foodstamp cards to take to your local pharmacist. Part of me hopes it doesn’t work because what happens at month six? Hey, kid, the first hit is free.

Like I said, we’ll see how it goes.

Lots of back and forth to the school because of activities. Because hubby teleworked and because my body was in the throws of a bad monthly cycle (this must be the one per quarter I seem to get), he took Tank to baseball and I was allowed to shower and heat-pad it up. I also did some writing organization and the dishes after the Ibuprofen and heating pad did its job. Then it was back on the couch for television watching.

Oh and I allowed a small presence of myself to return to You Twit Face.
Exciting life I lead, eh?

It’s quiet and the house shouldn’t be at this moment. Time to wake up my fellow beasts and get things going.

Here, have some music:

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dentist, rejections, andy pratt, soundtrack, eye doctors, social media break, the write life, psychiatrist

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