Sep 03, 2008 21:34

My attempt at not being a writing slug and creating a real community of literary artists!

Looking like Sunday afternoons is winning for meeting times (and for die-hard 'hawks fans, we'll try to work around

Hope to hear from some folks! Don't forget:  NaNoWriMo is coming up, too!

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Date: 2008-09-03, 9:18PM

A collaborative workshop and writers' peer group is now forming in the Snoqualmie Valley.

Do you love to write? Are books an integral part of your lifre? Would you rather read a poem than watch TV? Want to work to create new writings and get better? Do you want to network with other literary artists? Then please come join a community of people all working at the same art! No publication experience necessary; but, always appreciated!

The plan is to meet every other week in various locales in the valley for 90 minute sessions to do writing exercises, provide constructive feedback on work and attend literary field trips once a quarter together.

To keep the group productive, we will limit participation to just a baker's dozen. Spots are still available, so respond today!

Writing is a solitary craft; but it doesn't always have to be.

If you're interested; please Email us via this ad. Be sure to put Sno-Valley Writer's Group App in the subject title. Tell us who you are, where you are in your writing life, what you hope to get out of a working peer writing group and when is your best available time to participate.

Looking forward to the first meeting about mid-September!

(original ad here:

sno valley writes!, nanowrimo

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