1 more day down

Jun 08, 2006 22:16

It's been really hot here. Almost another payday though, I'm looking forward to the extra 300$ a month that goes with my new paygrade. So far we've got some busy work going and some excercising. Although I haven't been to the gym at all here. I ran a couple of times usually 4 or 5 miles each time. But I still think I work out more often while on ship rather than here on land. I'm thinking I'm going to have to buy a hookah while I'm here too. A bazar is coming this weekend I'll go see if I can get a good deal.
Other than that just another boring day and one less before I come home.
I'll also post this because i like the pretty pictures.

Which One of The 7 Main Arts Are You? (Beautiful Pictures -- FIXED!)

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