Dec 08, 2003 10:05
i really don't have anything to post about. ill just give you the rundown of things that have gone on since the last time i posted.
-adam beat me one handed at basketball. sonofabitch.
-austin and i "were the asshole" at jeff and jerry's party. we took the money out of the donation jar next to the keg. surprisingly, no one thought it was as funny as we did. and that ratbastard austin left me to clean up the whole mess. im serious! i was coerced into committing this crime. austin willis is a coercer. thats right, i went there.(and yes, coercer is a word.) ha, and i just found out that me writing this has angered kristin, who not surprisingly thought i was the only bastard in action here. nope.
-i saw david heddinger. that kid is awesome. im so glad we got to hang out. its just like old times. we watched some mr. show and smoked some herb(come to think of it, it wasnt really like old times at all). david smokes more weed than anyone i know. why? because he can afford to.
-my cat is almost full grown. angela says im an idiot for thinking so, but no cat should be this hoss-like at 5 months old.
-lee sutherland strategically left his dvd here so he could again come over here uninvited. boo to that.
-the darkness rocked our world for one fateful and shortlived night. it lives in mine and adam's heart forever, but shall never be fake sang again.
-my job is good. very very good. im shoe selling machine. though the other morning when i opened, this gay black drunk guy (a man of many adjectives) hit on me. his name was "stevie" (say this name with as much lisp possible) and he says he likes my style. i think that means he wants his gay black weiner in my stylish white ass. sick dude.
rollin' scraight frough da hood wit a busket of chickskin scripts and a quartamaltliqraaaaah,
al wrench bundy