Sep 09, 2010 21:15
So i met a few people, and yeah... This cat... I dont know what i'm going to do with her.
I dont mean to get rid of her, of course not! But i'm not so sure what to do with her sometimes. She doesnt like to be left alone, but... i cant take her with me to college. And i have no idea what would happen if I left Ash home long enough to figure out how to open Mudkip's tank... Shes a smart little retard one sometimes... So in other news...
I met a cute little girl named Lili. Her outfits are so adorable! I think we're the same size, so...
And theres, well, this new guy in town as well. He tried saving Ash and everything, it was really awesome, by just the way he jumped up to help! He says he likes cats, so i'm going to help him pick out one really soon. Not exactly sure when, but... He has my number, so we'll see.
I dropped out of college dont need to pretend i need college anymore. I dont know what i want to do, and there isnt anything there for me anyways. Conner if you tell mom anything, i swear i'll SO! Me and Sindre are going to open up a business together! Since a few weeks ago, we have found use for our very similar talents :D
Right next door to Madams Miracle Shop, just so happens to be an old, and unwanted Fire Station. After asking around, no one knows when it was last used, so we decided to put it to good use!
So citizens of Liberty, if you have been having problems with the beyond, the dead, or just have been going through some weird shit things lately, dont be afraid to call us, The Ghost Busters Specter Detectors!
We have openings for any who are interested! We are also in need of a sexy skilled receptionist!
((OOC: strikes=deleted... Its not offical til the mods sing, so yeah :D
Who wants to be haunted?
Connie~~~ join us~~~
and thanks for the name suggestion...))
to friends,