School has been kicking my ass lately. So much to do, so little time. WHATEVER, MAYBE I'LL JUST GO BUM AROUND EUROPE AND WRITE POETRY 'N STUFF. YEAH.
Anyway, thank you
mosellegreen for generously giving out Dreamwidth invite codes. I have no idea what I'm going to do with a Dreamwidth account, but I figured, why not? It might come in handy.
Went to the SFMOMA w/ my BF, just because we're a pair of pretentious farts (and students get discounts... and I need to go anyway for an art class I'm taking, heh). Honestly though, modern art gives me a headache-- but I thought the museum itself (especially the huge central skylight) was gorgeous. And the cafe sells "Mondrian" cakes. LOL... very clever SFMOMA, I c wat u did thar.