Goddamn. What is sexier than a demolition crew working away on a little house on a hot sunny morning? Everyone is sweaty-dusty- topless and taking long, lazy smoke breaks and the building is falling to its knees all around them.
I've been working my ass off day and night for the past month. I'm helping to create the most exciting
CSF project with five fishermen. It is thrilling and terrifying to believe in this shit so hard and I want so badly for it to succeed. I Maybe you will see me on the National talking about it next week? I got to go halibut fishing!
Almost everything else in my life feels like some kind of overwrought Mountain Goats song. I'm losing myself a bit in my work but I'll come back to land eventually to deal with weird womb-betrayal feelings, my sick mom, my soul-sucking civil suit, and be a better support for my struggling friends with their own first-world growing pains.
Meet me at the wrecking ball?