Friends only

Jul 28, 2007 00:46

This Live Journal is becoming friends only. So log in if you want to see anything here from now on. There are several reasons, none of which i'm going into here, and don't expect me to explain them elsewhere either.

F.O. banner created by chickdrummer101

Here are the rules:

1) If you would like to be a friend, comment
2) In said comment, tell me where you found my journal, why you want to be my friend, etc.
3) Play fighting, no biting and share your toys
4) Respect other's opinions

those of you that are already friended shall stay worries about that. If you're a friend who has been reading entries, but doesn't have a livejournal...get one, they're free. You don't have to ever post on yours, but you can use it to read my entries. Just let me know what it is and i'll add you.
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