First thing's first.
This picture is by far, the fucking hottest best promo image in the history of Lost, brothah.
Overall, I liked this episode. Didn't love it...but I liked it. There were a couple of moments that I "Oh shit"-ed, or "Niiiice"-d...but a part of me (may it be a very small part) was sort of disappointed.
- I liked Juliet's backstory...for the most part. It was kind of confusing. I'm assuming that the meds she was taking from her ex-husbands lab, were some kind of pregnancy an infertility thing or something. Only thing I don't understand is her sister. Did she have cancer or something? Why was she unable to get pregnant? Based on what the one guy that was trying to recruit her for the company (Drawing a blank on his name at the moment...) I had a theory that's probably way off...but I'll share it anyways. Obviously, he worked for Dharma, hence Ethan being there. (By the way...I like Ethan better in death than I did when he was still alive.) I'll talk more about this in a second...My theory is that perhaps Juliet's sister, had a sex change operation. That's why it was such a big deal that she was pregnant? And...discuss.
- Back on the topic I stopped on earlier...Obviously, the recruiter was from Dharma, hence Ethan being there. (By the way...I like Ethan better in death than I did when he was still alive.) This is what gave me the idea...during their little meeting, he mentioned that she got male field mice pregnant. It may be completely off the wall, but I'm anxious to hear what my fellow Losties think.
- Does anyone else think that Benry's tumor...wasn't actually a tumor...OR perhaps it was a side effect...because he was a guinea pig in Juliet's experiment with Dharma?
- Alex is Benry's child. he really her father? Did Danielle and Benry have some torrid island love affair? Hmmm...questions, questions, questions.
- The moment when they were all out at the boat, and Karl and Alex were saying good bye was so bittersweet. Not just because of them...but also because of the Kate/Sawyer/Jack angle. Judging by the look on Sawyer's face, I think he finally came to realize just how much Kate cares about Jack. Granted, I have no idea where that'll lead or if I'm just blowing smoke out of my arse, but still.
- The room where Karl was in. WEIRD. I read online that apparently the first three lines were from Led Zepplin songs.
- Dammit...I got busy doing other things and totally lost my train of thought here. POUT. Ah well, once the episode is available online, I'll rewatch it and take notes this time :-D
PS - GIMMIE SOME C/C ACTION NEXT WEEK, DAMMIT. (Oh yeah, and obviously I can't wait for another Desmond backstory...since he is teh sex and everything.)