100 things you might not have known about me...

Feb 03, 2005 18:45

1. I was an accident
2. My first name is actually James
3. So's my dad's.
4. We both go by our middle names.
5. My son's first name will be James, but he will go by his middle name, Riley.
6. I hate mac cosmetics.
7. I hate superficiality.
8. my sister and i are complete opposites
9. I'm younger than everyone thinks I am.
10. I grew up too fast.
11. I miss being in flagstaff in college.
12. my kids and my wife are the best things in my life.
13. sometimes I wish I wasn't me.
14. My favorite New Kid on The Block was Donny.
15. My favorite person in 2gether is Chad.
16. I don't understand the concept of Strip Clubs
17. I have a crush on Jai from Queer eye.
18. I wish I could take better care of my family.
19. I feel like a failure most days.
20. Work is the only place I feel in control.
21. I am the most fucked up person I know.
22. I have no spine with people control me.
23. I play both sides at work with the internal politics.
24. I dream of being a professional poker player someday.
25. I'm not that great at poker.
26. I have a hatred for my patients at work. I only give them want they want so they'll leave me alone.
27. Which reminds, I forgot to call this lady back tonight.
28. I'm not cheating on barb with anyone, despite her fears.
29. once, back before I knew barb, I left Dallas alone while she was sleeping so I could go buy cigarettes.
30. I start school in a week.
31. I have nothing left to say.
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