Astrology for July 4-10 2006
Welcome to my weekly Sun-Sign astrology column. If you are unfamiliar with how Sun-Sign astrology works, let me offer you a few pieces of advice. Firstly, Sun-Sign astrology is not like natal astrology, where your astrologer creates a personalized astrology chart that can be used look at anything from your family of origin, to your love life or your career. Sun-Sign astrology offers a more general field of advice. Its aim is to track general trends in the astrological weather and offer wide-ranging advice to help you navigate life’s little challenges.
To make the most of this tool, I recommend that you:
1. Look at your sun-sign
2. Look at your rising and/or moon sign for additional advice (this information can be found with the aid of an astrologer or a good astrology website)
3. Look all of the entries and apply the advice to your life, as you see fit. Each entry offers useful advice designed to assist you in living a meaningful life.
4. Have fun. The advice offered in this column is meant for your enjoyment. It is not intended to Should you in anyway.
-Shon Clark
Put emotional concerns on the top of the to-do list this week, my dear Aries. Remember what you love and why. Also, remember to listen to your inner child. It knows what you need, but more importantly, it also needs you to protect it from the harsh world we live in. If this week gets you down, take a break from the outside world and remember that your home is your oasis. Spend some time recharging there. This simple act will do you a world of good.
Take some time this week, Taurus, to reconnect with one of your siblings. This person need not be a member of your biological family (though that would be preferable). It could be someone who is a part of your spiritual tribe or social network. The key is that this is someone with whom you once had a close kinship, but the bonds of connection have become lax of late. Reconnecting with this person could prove to be a very good idea, as he or she might remind you something about yourself that you have forgotten and need to remember.
Your emotional body has been experiencing some very dynamic changes recently, my dear Gemini. This could have taken any number of practical manifestations: anything from a sudden reconnection to old lover, to the ending/beginning of a job, to the loss of a significant friendship. In any case, the moral of this sort of experience is the expansion of your emotional body and the release of old emotional attachments. At this time, you are advised to take it easy. Your inner child needs you to slow down and to treat yourself with kindness and compassion.
Luck and dynamic changes are in your life right now, Cancer. The longer days and warmer weather of summer has truly given you a growth spurt. My recommendation for you this week, is to enjoy this time because it does not come around very often. You will have plenty of time over the rest of the year to let the everyday life struggles get you down. Unless they are critically important, any problems with money or family can wait. Let worry and fussing take a backseat to love of life and enjoyment of accomplishments. You have earned it!
Three times a year Mercury, the planet that represents communication, appears to reverse its normal movement across the sky. This time is upon us now and it is happening in your backyard, my dear Leo. Now, before you begin cursing and “why me-ing”, let me let you in on a little secrete. When Mercury retrogrades over your home sign, you are afforded a unique opportunity to directly communicate with your innerself. You see, like all planets, Mercury has a duel nature; it both sends and receives information. The problem is that many people in our culture have become too heavily focused on the sending. Therefore, their ability to receive, or to look inward has atrophied. When Mercury goes retrograde, what is really happenings is that your universal caretakers are trying to help you reengage your inward focused communication abilities. Or to say it another way, you are given the ability to see how your innerself thinks, feels and enjoys life. My advice is to take this time and meditate on the nature of inner communication. Let the outside world attend to itself for a time and enjoy the wonders of your inner reality. It will certainly surprise you.
Pay attention to the communications within your social community right now, dear Virgo. Especially pay attention to the subtle needs of the group. Examples could be tradition taking a back seat to creativity (or visa versa), extroverts talking over introverts, or rules becoming more important than feelings. In many groups, these needs go uncheck and cause long term group dynamic problems. Your Virgonian attention to detail makes you particularly adapt at picking out these problems. Then, you can find a way to bring the issues to the larger group, while they are still small. In this way, you will bring healing to the group and its members.
The stars have been putting some very significant pressure upon you recently, my dear Libra. The theme of this pressure revolves around your role as leader or guide. People have been looking to you to take more and more responsibility in your work or communal life. This pressure will continue for another few weeks. However it is time for you to take some time for yourself. See if you can take a few minutes for your self during the day and again in the evening to re-center and to ground before you get back to the work. This will help you endure this time with greater ease.
Since March, the universe has been drawing a large portion of your vital life energy and putting it into a great underground reservoir for you, Scorpio. The effect of this process feels like a slowing or dragging sensation on your life’s forward motion. I am happy to say that this process is complete and, even as we speak, the gathered energy is being applied to your goals and dreams again. What was stalled is now in motion. Your life is about to take a great leap forward.
An unusually dense cloud of low energy has been hanging over you of late, my dear Sagittarius. This is nothing to be concerned about. The universe has simply been taking some of your normally abundant energy and making some key investments for your future. I am happy to tell you that this process is coming to an end and very soon you will be back to your old chipper self. Be on the lookout for those investments. The will be reaching maturity near your birthday.
You are experiencing a very subtle gift, my dear Capricorn. Those you love the most are currently reflecting your own past actions. This can be a very difficult pill to swallow, especially, if you are the sort of Capricorn who normally insists that others change their dance to match the beat of your drum. If this is the case, your loved ones might seem cold and distant to you. On the other hand, if you look to your community with an eye of friendship and compassion, attempting to see the needs of others before your own, this is the way your loved ones will be treating you. Each action coming from you is currently reflected back to you. What you see is what you give. Therefore, if you want to be treated differently, all you have to do is to try to see the needs of your loved ones and try to make the first move. They are sure to follow.
Interpersonal communication has been more difficult than normal in recent weeks, Aquarius. The reason for this is that the planet of communication, Mercury, is about to take a three-week break from its traditionally outward focus and help us to reconnect with our inner voices. In preparation for this shift, Mercury has selected the Aquarians of the Zodiac as a test audience. You been experiencing a direct preview of Mercury’s upcoming retrograde. Take what you have learned and try model the lessons for your social community. This will make your life easer for all of us in the coming weeks.
The stars are providing you with a special gift this month, my sweet Pisces. It is time for you to fun and to play. I advise you to express your inner child, to laugh out loud, or to try something completely outrageous. Above all, don’t worry about the people around you. Their reactions are just that their reactions. They cannot and should not hold you back from your true self-expressions. If they are judgmental, chances are that they are just jealous. Who knows, you might just inspire them.