Shell Shocked

Aug 04, 2011 18:17

It is truly amazing, how much you can turn your life upside down in 40 odd hours. You can go from having your beloved apartment, job and hometown, to squatting on someone's floor with no job and a 'final extension' stamped ominiously into your passport.

I've said so many goodbyes in the last two weeks I feel numb to them now. I don't think it is really sinking in that it's goodbye goodbye. Not goodbye until I see you next week at Biyagura, or goodbye until I see you at the beach party.... there is no more 'next time'.

I will be bumming around Japan until the 22nd, suddenly though I have an almost unbearable desire to just be back home in Canada. I don't like this half-wayness no much anymore. I've got an awesome two weeks and change planned out but suddenly, I just want this goodbye-ending to stop. I'm trying to marshal my thoughts, certainly I had plenty of time to think as I waited for the fine Nagoya Immigration people to give me a sticker. I hope a decent night's sleep or two will sort me out.

Sigh. Once when coming back from Korea, I reflected that some time all things are for the last time. Now that that time is coming up it seems really scary and sad.

teaching, me in mie, random thoughts

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