Mar 23, 2007 23:23
Down again and Up again.
Last night kinda sucks, drama going on some people and seeing Caucasian Chalk Circle down at UW (go see it if you can - awesome show!) then loosing my house keys for a night kinda pushed me over the edge in combination with little sleep and the stress of three presentations in a day.
It was hard watching the people perform in a show I so wanted to be in. I did get into the class that was taught by the director as well, so it’s something but….
I kinda wanted to ask him - ‘what didn’t you see in me?’ ‘why did you admit me to the class but didn’t want me in the show?’
Which of course I never will. Well certainly not in those words. Though maybe there will be a time I can ask him something along those lines.
I got a call back form the director of KWLT’s radio plays, I didn’t get a part. Sigh. Once again anything I say will sound self-pitying so I wont’ say anything else. I am looking forward to seeing, errr hearing the plays.
I got an email from an address I didn’t recognize today. Way back in December I wrote an essay contest for anyone registered in Literary Criticism A in that term. I didn’t really want to, but I was drawn when the prof said that few people register and statistically speaking I had a good chance. He was right, there were only 6 people that wrote it. the timing was right before exams, so small wonder people felt like adding the extra burden of another essay.
Well I got third place - err tied for third place rather. Yay!
I don’t know what the prize is - as I recall the first place was $250. So maybe third would be $50? I’m hoping it’s enough to buys Slings and Arrows Season 2 on DVD Or at least a fine dinner at Mongolian
That way I can treat myself a bit without dipping too deeply into my Speech Prize.
And it was a glorious day today, with melting snow, blackbirds calooting and the smell of wet earth and cracking seeds everywhere.
I feel a little nostalgic for winter; everyone cooperating to tread down a path in the snow. The feel of a warm curry in your stomach on a cold day, the sparkling of snow better than in any mall display.
But bah! It’s warm again!!!
The masks I’m working on are coming along. The first Dottore is off the matrix, and while I do love him I decided to try out another design for Dottore. The first one has a rather piggish air, and as I mentioned before a very dirty mind. This second one focuses more on the blathering scholar aspect of his personality. His nose is more bulbous and less snout-like. I also added a more pathetic angle to his eyebrows. On the whole I’m enchanted. I can’t really understand all he says - it’s in latin. Maybe that’s why I like him better?
Colombina is a bit of an enigma still, I have a face out on the matrix which would be dry completely by the end of the weekend. But it’s tricky, there is much less information on Colombina then the other characters. So I’m really glad I’m able to go see to the mask workshop that I attended last year that is being held again for a new crop of 222 students. The master Teodoro is sure to be able to help me out, at any right I’d be honoured for him to give me some critique and pointers.
Taking 222 was such a moving (literally) course for me. Finally I found an acitng style that really feels like home to me. Where my core is happy, feeding and feeling nourished. I generally feel I have too much under my skin, the style of physical acting, learned through sticks, clown noses and coffee filter masks has helped me express it.
And now I think I must be taking myself to bed. I had a wonderful dinner with Emi chin-wagging and I showed off my latest masks which I love to do. But yeha, definitely running low on energy, and I need lots to get through tomorrow!
Night all!
P.S. I've realised that most of my posts these days hav ebeen updates on what I've been doing lately.
I'll try and post some actual creative writting sometime soon.
random thoughts