Craving the Light...

Jan 16, 2013 11:59

T.S. Eliot said April is the cruelest month but January can suck pretty hard too.

You wake up in darkness and by 6 it's dark again.  I miss daylight savings time.  Although it's energy saving benefits are dubious at best, I have to say it's emotional benefits are stellar.

It's depressing to be always moving around in darkness.  Before I hit my snooze alarm I have to turn on my desk lamp - otherwise my body sees no reason to be up and about in the darkness.  I get depressed when it's dark by the time I get home from school and any errands I was doing.

I remember in Japan the daylight was skewed to benefit farmers and how the whole country was put into one time zone.  This led to some really odd daylight hours.  In the summer, the sun rose around 4:30 in the morning and set around 7 at night.  I was so used to this that when I came back to Canada I marveled how there was still light after 7 pm.  I'm pretty sure I obsessed about this the whole car ride home from the airport - my parents probably thought I was high on travel sickness pills.

The light is slowly returning, every morning the sun joins me a little earlier on my walk to school, and stays a little longer in the evening.

One has to be patient. 


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