Since I'm updating again, forgot to mention..
A bit of yabber first to explain what it is for those who might not know...
When I was pregnant with Hunter, I went to the "pregnant girls" school, called Girls Alternative Program (GAP). GAP had already been around for over 20 years. But it was really struggling and because of government cut-backs had been cut down to 1 teacher, 1 counsellor and only 20-23 students. Most of those were girls who were either parents or pregnant, but we also had 3-5 students who were just girls who didn't fit in to even other alternative schools, called "Gappers".
A bit after I left, the government completely cut funding to the Gapper part of the program, deciding that these girls could just go back to any public school and do fine. So the Gappers and the principle of GAP moved on to form their own small school, called Artemis Place, for girls who just don't fit in to other schools. They have around 13-20 students this year I think and it's really great. It teaches so much that you don't learn in regular schools or even alt schools, like real life skills, dealing with personal issues from rape to domestic violence (at GAP we had many seminars and groups on these sorts of issues), help getting jobs, etc.
Urge to Splurge is an annual event raising money for Artemis Place because it receives no funding from the government (like most schools do). The benefit is basically a small trade-show with lots of local designers selling dresses, coats, purses, jewellery, body/bath stuff, etc.
It was on Saturday evening, from 6 to 11. I managed to snap a couple pix, sorry in advance for the dark ones, they tried to keep it to "mood lighting only".
Started off doing food again. View from the food tables:
We had a different caterer this year and it caused a bit of a near food crisis, only 8 pm (still 2.5 hours to go) and this is all the food that was left!
Many things I cannot pronounce lol
Moved over to Tickets, view from Tickets of front door
Really nice table set up at the front
Ticketbooth instructions, woop
Artemis Place
View from coatcheck window.
And back home very tired after
Last year (volunteered then too) we raised a little over $1300 for
Artemis Place. I think we're going to top that this year!