butt kicking contest :: one-legged woman

Nov 23, 2008 22:29

I'm either losing time...or losing track of it.  I can't figure it out.

It's like one thing after another, and then all of a sudden....I'm realizing that my "Thanksgiving Break" and "Moving Week" aren't actually two separate bits of time.  They're a total of eleven consecutive days ... and that's a lot of work-work I have to get done by this Wednesday, end of business.

And then there's so much other stuff, non-work related, non packing-my-isht related to get done in that time, too.  And they're not all really EASY things to tick off of my to-do list, either

For instance I'm in that gallery show the first week in December, and my prints have to be there by this Friday.  Printed, framed, priced and THERE, ready to go.  And while I thought I was just going to have ten in the show? They've decided on manymanymany more than that.  Plus I guess I should send out invitations to that show, eh? (Crap.)

Oh and there's the bit about moving next Monday.  Oh right.  I should invite friends officially, since I've already "invited" them (to move my sturf help out the movers me keep the movers under two hours).

The good news is that the 1614 is pretty well packed up, but there's still just so much to do.  Like pack more, and clean underneath shit.  And figure out furniture. I have a lot of furniture.   Tonight Roommate mentioned that it seems like I am pretty close to done. I said it seems like that's true, sometimes...and then other times I still have so much to do.

Oh and I think I might have carpal tunnel.
And I definitely need a haircut.
Jesus I can't think straight. I need an assistant.

public, nanoblahblah08

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