Aug 23, 2012 07:35
Hi everyone! I'm Sarah.
About me (copied from my bio):
I like food. Just the eating, not the preparing. I'm also afraid of staring directly at the sun or into snow on a sunny day, in fear of going blind. In fact, I'm so scared of the sun blinding me that I won't even look directly at the image of a sun on TV. (I'm getting over it, I think. That's the purpose behind my userpic.)
I like lots of things, but I don't like public bathrooms and fruit flies. I'm the mastermind of all procrasination and have of course been offered a book deal on my new novel The Procrasination: A Gripping Tale of One Person's Struggle to Get Things Done. The New York Times called it "a poignant masterpiece, it speaks to the soul of every student attempting to write a paper but instead reverting to the time-honored tradition of distraction...a vivid tour de force that renders the reader unable to comprehend going back to work."
So anyway, if we share anything in common, we should be friends!