Feb 20, 2009 10:06
First thing: I was noticing that this weeks "Bones" was set in a sci-fi convention. I was terribly excited to see this and it occured to me that at least two of my favorite shows now had con episodes. The other obviously being "C.S.I." with the furry episode. So I wanted to do a dvd disc of my favorite shows with sci-fi con episoed or related themes such as the "C.S.I." episode with Lady Heather the dominatrix. T even gave me the opener of it with the show "Leverage" when Christian Kane is telling his coworker (Hardison) that he likes to go to Star Trek conventions dressing as a Klingon (Kane's character is a badass mercenary so the humor is wonderful). So just that clip of Leverage and then into the sci-fi connection shows. Trouble is I need more than two C.S.I.'s and a Bones. If anyone can think of another show that has a theme that fits this I would love to know.
The second is humorous only in the sense that it is a tragic window into how divided we are still as a people. This whole New York post cartoon is causing massive waves of dissent on the web and for the life of me I cannot figure out why. The cartoon (which most of you have probably seen) links two news stories (although badly), one being the shooting of a chimp that mauled a woman and the writers of the stimulas package. Somehow, this has fired up the whole "racist america" thing once again. I have looked into this all morning and cannot find a legitimate reason for this. The argument is that the chimp is President Obama (I do love that man so) and the shooting by the police is indicative of old racial problems (cops shooting black people) and possibly presidential assasination. Could someone explain to me how Obama is even entered into this. The tag clearly says that the will need to find someone else to write the new stimulas package... not someone to sign off on it which is as far as Obama's role in this goes. Maybe the average person does not understand that the president cannot make laws, only sign off on them or veto them. Obama did not write this bit of legislature, our elected representatives on the hill did and they are clearly of mixed races and genders. Of course, our old friend Al (never passed up a chance to get his name in the paper) Sharpton had to jump all over it. Does a monkey(primate) symbolize black people to some backwards shitstains?? sadly, yes it does but to imply that this chimp which is all over the news for mauling a woman is representative of Obama seems like such a bad stretch that it baffles me. How does it help the cause of black progress in this country if every little thing that can be skewed towards a racist slant should be. What is the point of moving forward in this country if your popular figures like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton keep looking to the past and trying to bring it with them into the 21'st century. I realize that many people will say that as a white man I would not get it but really people... I am not some hayseed from rural Alabama. I was raised in new Orleans which is predominantly black. I got my education in a good public school with black/white/hispanic people and I went to college at the University of New Orleans with major in ethics and debate. I have heard all the arguments and rhetoric. I just do not see this as being in any way racist and the actions of trying to make it a racist make me loathe these showboaters that are seeking fame in dissent. When the jocks in Louisiana were jailed (can't remember the town but the something 5{or was it 7} was the name of the story) I saw racism in that case and understood why so many marched into that town and was proud that it was done. This does not have any of that feel to it. Sorry.
I have seen racism in my day and hear it often from others. Not just racism but homophobia and religious hatred. I have been at my wiccan circle and been screamed at by Christians who felt it was their duty to hinder and belittle our ceremony. I have been turned down by charitable organizations when I let them know I was bisexual. I had to have my 7 year old daughter lie at school about the nature of her parents because the parish we lived in was trying to pass a law that would take children from gay and bi parents (to save them or some such shit). I have fought my old church when they fired a choir leader when it was found out he was gay and had aids.
Someone (I think Carlin) said that all isms are bad. He might have been right but this cartoon was not what he was talking about. It is just a dull little cartoon that should have gone unnoticed and forgotten.