so much

Jan 03, 2009 19:48

Did you know that you can buy pregnancy tests in the dollar tree stores?  Are you that casual about your entire future life that you don't want to cough up the money for an accurate test.  I say this of course without any knowledge of the accuracy of tests sold in the dollar tree but the principal alone has me flabbergasted.  what kind of cheap bastard finds out the fate of the rest of their lives based on dollar tree items?  I mean, maybe if he had to pick up a bag of army men and some lime-away anyway and since he/she was there....

Managed to see both my son and my daughter within a two day period thanks to this wonderful job of mine.  Spent the day before Christmas hanging out with Jules/Rayray/Chasta (his girl)/ and Kat(the exwife) in the french quarter.  Had a blast although we had no specific plan so we ended up wandering around for several hours till it was time to head back to the hotel.  Did manage to go to City Park and see Storyland with the kids (only from outside due to the late hour).  Did manage to get a little drunk hurricanes and daiquiris.  Did manage to get some really great pics of Jules and his girl.  Two days later, Liz and Jessup came to Athens and we hung out with them (T and I) for several hours.  Exchanged gifts and looked at pics and just generally talked and ate chinese.  Jessup seems like a really great guy so I hope things work out with him.

I have been so busy zipping all across the country that I think I am going crazy.  I have been at my house one day out of the past month and I will not see it for another 8 days.  Thank god the slow season is starting up.  Mind you, it helps that I have my new camera so that I can take lots of pics while jet-setting (I travel so much that I made silver medallion on Delta...{never mind how much I travel on AirTran}).  Still, life keeps me busy which is important to my sanity.

Speaking of which, I have begun to regress to a 20 year old freak.  I have become the superhorny master-of-all-I-survey kind of guy I was back when I started going to cons.  It has gotten so bad that on the way to Athens, a hot redhead got onto the shuttle and the first thing I thought of was how much I wanted to spoil her flaming red hair with a bit of me...I can't put that any more delicately.  It's like a strange tap has been opened up for the first time in many years and all I want to do is live life to the fullest.  After Bex, I kind of put that part of my life on hold due to emotional detachment but since T has forced me to allow emotions back into my life, I find myself...unquenchable.  Not just in a good way though, I find myself thinking those cruel thoughts that used to make me shake.  Fantasies of blood and sex, dominance of all around me, control, and always...lust.  It's kind of disturbing really.  One of the reasons that I shut off my emotions so many years ago was that I found myself wondering just how far I was willing to go to fulfill my fantasies and I realized that I was willing to go pretty far...some would say too far... the law would most honestly agree.  As I write this, I am thinking of how to hold myself to a promise made to my lady while these thoughts are crashing through my brain and trying to find an avenue for escape.  I will hold to my word though because no matter what, I am a civilized man with free will... but...

like i said, there were reasons for shutting off these parts of myself.

Aside from my struggle for inward control, all other things are going great.  Work is as always, wonderful.  T is a yummy treat in a slightly crazy wrapper (keeps me on my toes :) ).  The kids seem to be doing great.  New friends are a blessing but I need to find time for the old in my busy schedule.  I feel neglectful and that will not do.

Must zip off...

much love to all.
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