Dec 16, 2010 06:33

THREADJACKING - Perfectly awesome and welcome always, as long as no one gets left out.

4TH WALLING - No thanks.

BACKTAGGING - Heavily encouraged! Everyone gets busy sometimes, so I totally get it. ♥

MIND READING - Ask for specific permission beforehand, please!

FIGHTING - She's not really the type, but if you can think of a reason

MAIMING - Please ask beforehand!

KILLING - I'd really rather not.

KISSING - .Fine by me, but Franziska'll kill you.

HUGGING - See above.

BADTOUCHING - See above.

RELATIONSHIPS - It would take a long time, and probably a lot of suffering (and whipping) on the other character's end. But if your character is masochistic enough to want to do that to themselves, then by all means, yes!
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