This is an intersection for LJ Idol on the topics "Chillin' Like a Villain" and "You Did the Best You Could." My partner is the lovely kathrynrose. _________________________________________
Loved this side of the intersection. I'm so impressed with the dialogue and dialect. This part made me sad though.
I said this in kathrynrose's thread, and I'll rephrase it here -- I love that neither of you "claimed" a topic, but wrote pieces that fit both at the same time.
Thank you - I spent a long time on the dialect and got some input from friends of mine who are closer to that world, so I'm so pleased it worked for you. It makes me sad, too - now I want to write more of Tee.
I liked the flip here, where the "wolves" were the good guys and Red was the villain. Poor Tee.
Love the humor and the "flavor" of the Marcus and Tee section. and the chilliness of Red's opening sequence.
But what I really liked was that you both got to tell the story from all the characters' POVs (and shifted), and yet it still feels as if it could have been written by one person!
Comments 19
Fighting seven time zones and two hemispheres and LJ outages and simultaneous writer funkiness and gettin' it did anyway!
::POM POMS for us::
Thanks for being my partner and the best writing buddy a girl could ever have!
Your styles melded together very well.
Thanks :)
I said this in kathrynrose's thread, and I'll rephrase it here -- I love that neither of you "claimed" a topic, but wrote pieces that fit both at the same time.
And yeah - I liked having us fit both topics!
Love the humor and the "flavor" of the Marcus and Tee section. and the chilliness of Red's opening sequence.
But what I really liked was that you both got to tell the story from all the characters' POVs (and shifted), and yet it still feels as if it could have been written by one person!
Allison and I have a good relationship. That made it easier.
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