May 23, 2007 16:59
[Hackable to friends/people who are bored enough to hack into his entries]
Hagrid seems to like the plant well enough; I made sure to emphasize that he not feed it any meat. (To be doubly sure, I charmed it to repel any meat products that come within a yard.) With adequate sunlight, water, a pound of crickets every week, and nightly bedtime readings, it should grow to be relatively docile. It was purring to the dog when I left.
The past few days have been fairly quiet, as far as quiet days in this school go. I have no expectations as to how long the serenity will continue, but it is pleasant. Lee appears to be recovering steadily, for which I am very glad.
The moth is still following me. It vanishes from my shoulder every evening - to eat, I suspect - and returns the following morning. It seems to be growing larger as well.
Mandrake, fanged geranium, flitterbloom, and screechsnap seeds. Wonderful plants. Next year's underclassmen may have their hands full.
My case seems to be unique above all others - at least, above all the instances of possession I've perused thus far, where the souls of the possessor and the possessed remained separate. Hopefully, this new course on the supernatural will provide more insight.
secret secret,
oh kurama you should learn to open up,
elephant hawk-moth,
weird plants,