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Oct 06, 2008 22:07

I'm watching Nick at Nite and I seriously love the line up they have (minus Family Matters cuz it sucks). I think George Lopez is fucking hilarious and the jokes about his head never get old. I love how nasty and ridiculous Benny is hahah. What a bitch.
So yeah, I don't really know why I've been randomly updating lately.. I was hanging out with Zack earlier while he was doing his homework.. but then he got called in to get a body so I went to The Grind to get a coffee and a muffin hah. We might watch his boss' (Dennis) house tomorrow.. not too sure though. We've watched his house before but he's such a busy man with the livery, plans change a lot. I hope we do though, he has two dogs and they're so cute.. two German Shepherds named Bella and Jake haha. I love it. So yeah, hopefully we can play house and act like big people.
School starts in about a month... I really don't know how I feel about that... I don't really feel anything I guess. I used to be really excited and now I'm just kinda like.. yeah... I'm going to Douglas J... yeah.. Considering $15,300 dollars is at stake here (of course they're all loans haha) I know I will finish it through. What the hell else am I going to do with my life? I find no interest in anything else.. or at least I haven't yet.. and even if cosmetology isn't my thing at least I will be making more money than I am at Moscheck's and will always be able to go back to school.
I really can't wait for a year and some odd months. I will finally be able to move out. I can't wait to live with Zack. I am so lucky. He is.. so amazing.
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