(no subject)

Feb 13, 2008 22:43

I really should be reading for my English class, but instead I'm smoking a cigarette, writing in this stupid thing and thinking about all the things I've learned from the people I've encountered in my life. In the great scheme of things it really is one huge learning experience. I'm mainly thinking of people, certain people who always seem to stick out in my mind and here they are:

I learned from you how to be caring and honest. To keep secrets and to love to the best of my ability. To give gifts, whether they are objects or just the gift of thought. I learned that beauty comes from your smile and the laughter and grace you present in life.

I learned from you to be free, to let loose, and to have an amazing time. I learned from you to do anything for your friends and that some people you can trust for a lifetime.

I learned from you witticism, and that being intellectual, whether it comes naturally or comes from just thinking matters through, is a beautiful gift.

I learned from you how to be creative and fun loving. To take things as they come and be calm about them.

I learned from you not to date someone when you know in your heart is not right for you.

I learned from you that you can't trust everyone and that sometimes people need to come out of addiction on their own.

I learned a lot from you. I learned that there is amazing love out there. True love. You showed me beauty in things that I never found beauty in before. Now I find beauty in the strangest things and I am amazed by every second of it. You showed me that some teachers can affect your life forever, and to look for the good ones because you'll only meet them once. You taught me to not be superficial, to not love material objects. You taught me to not be like my father, to not be stubborn and to take what I am going to say into consideration before I talk, because in the long run words echo and affect life tremendously. I learned to not believe in war. That violence is never the answer, although sometimes I still want to hit you, but I never would. I learned to see better qualities in people than just the ones on the surface, to look for the good in everyone. I learned about tranquility. I learned about not killing bugs because they are a living organism too. I learned that the Earth is sacred and there will never be another one. Although I also learned suffering, pain, and depression from you. I learned heartache and heart break. I also learned that some people change, and that beauty and goodness in life that they once found leaves their body forever.

But I will keep that beauty and goodness and I will try to be, to the best of my ability, a good human being.
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