Feb 17, 2006 16:27
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?: Andy
Who was the last person you talked to in person?: My Mom and Grandpa
Who was the last person you talked to online?: Charlie
Who was the last person you hung out with?: Andy
Who was the last person you saw in person?: My Mom and Grandpa
Who was the last person you took a picture with?: My cousin
Who was the last person you watched a movie with?: Andy...but the last movie in general was by myself.
Who was the last person you danced with?: Brandon and the other drama kids.
Who was the last person you hugged?: Andy
Who is your bf/gf?: Andy
Who is(are) your best friend(s)?: Dyvone and Andy
Who was the last person you sent a comment to?: Josh
What was the last thing you ate?: A twister
What was the last thing you drank?: Diet Pepsi
What was the last thing you did?: Went to the bathroom
What was the last place you went?: KFC
What was the last movie you saw?: The Wedding Singer
What was your last phone call about? Calling Andy to tell him I was sorry for being a crab cake.
What was the last thing you sat on?: Chair
What was the last thing you got at starbucks?: Java chip a.k.a. the most wonderful thing there.
Where did you go yesterday?: I stayed at home and watched a whole marathon of Americas Next Top Model
Where are your parents?: My Mom's downstairs and my Dad's at work.
Where do you keep your diary?: CLASSIFIED
Where were you last week?: All over the place, but at this time I was probably downstairs.
Where were you the day 9-11 occurred? Mrs. Othmans reading class or whatever the fuck that class was....really...what was that class?
Where do most of your relatives live?: Mostly in Michigan and a few in Vegas.
Where did you last go on vacation?: Up North
When was the last time you showered?: Yesterday
When was the last time you hung out with your cousin? The only cousin that matters was a few weeks ago for bad circumstances.
When was the last time you were at the mall?: I went to Borders Monday but the mall itself was a few weeks ago.
When was the last time you were absent?: Yesterday
When was the last time you played a sport?: Two weeks ago for bowling.
Why are you taking this survey?: Get real...why does anyone else take these...
Why are you online?: Because it's my one time in a month I go on.
Why did they invent pencils? .......
Why are most things made in China?: Because it's cheaper and people like me like cheap things and little asian fingers in our products.
Why did they come up with school?: So I could be pissed all day.
Why do you have your best friends: So I can be pissed all day.
How many siblings do you have?: 1
How many neice`s & nephew`s do you have?: None yet :D
How many pets do you have?: 5 cats and fish.
How many tvs do you have?: My family has one.
How many computers do you have?: 1
How many friends do you have?: I dunno...I got a few close ones though.
How many things are you afraid of?: Usually many.
How old are you?: 16
[PERSON ONE] : Dyvone
a. How long have you known this person: 6 or so years.
b. Do you go to the same school as him/her? No :(
c. Where does this person live? Livonia
d. What is this person's initials? D.A.F
e. Is this person your best friend? Fo sho
[PERSON TWO]: Andrew
a. Is this person older than 15? Yes.
b. Have you done anything illegal with this person? Yeah.
c. Where did you meet this person? High School.
d. When was the last time you talked to this person on the phone? 3ish
e. What is this person's stereotype? I honestly have no idea...when I first met him I thought hippie....but now he's more of a clean clothes, clean guy, I like art and movies kind of man.
[PERSON THREE] : Crystal
a. What is this person's favorite food? Breads...noodles...wheats.
b. How often do you talk to this person on the phone? Rarely
c. Does he/she have any siblings? Yes.
d. What school does this person go to? None right now.
e. Do you think this person is athletic? Ahah no.
(I'm adding this one)
f. What is this person's stereotype? HIPPIE
a. Why is this person your friend? He's good to talk to, he takes me back to "child hood"
b. Who is this person's best friend? Josh
c. What is something you want to know about this person? A lot of things.
d. Does this person have a good taste in music? Usually
e. how cool is this person on a scale of 1-10? Fuckin' 10
a. Do you know this person's parents? Yeah Hahahah RICH.
b. What is this person's favorite color? I feel really dumb for not knowing this one.
c. What type of clothes does this person wear? Jeans and a hoodie or some cute shirt.
d. Where does this person shop? Forever 21, Gadzooks, you know.
e. Have you been to his/her house? Yes
a. What is your favorite thing about this person? We like a lot of the same things.
b. What are this person's hobbies? Riding her horse, soccer, making me look beautiful for drama.
c. Does this person have a 4.0 GPA? I don't think so.
d. Do you ever fight with this person? No
e. How long do you want to stay in touch with this person? Forever, duh.
a. Have you seen this person's baby pictures? No
b. What is one thing this person taught you? Fuckin' relax
c. One thing you taught them? I dunno.
d. When was the last time you saw this person? Hmm.. a few days ago.
e. have you ever had a crush on this person? Hah when we were little.
My Firsts :
1.Who was your first love?
This is going to sound dumb but I think who ever you love at the moment is your first love, it just all starts over again.
2. Who was your first prom date?
3. Who was your first roommate?
4. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time?
I have no idea...whiskey maybe? but those days are all a jumbled mess.
5. What was your first job?
Fuckin' DQ BITCH
6. What was your first car?
Uh... I suck..
7. When did you go to your first funeral?
When I was around 6 for my Uncle Tommy.
8. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?
I'm still here bitch.
9. Who was your first grade teacher?
I can't remember the first ones name but she retired and then I had Mrs. Dixon
10. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
Las Vegas
11. Where did you go for your first date and who was it with?
Without a group of people? It would be Andrew, either to a dance or to Mongo BBQ a few days ago for Valentines day (we don't get out much)
12. When you snuck out of your house for the first time?
With Dyvone to see if my Mom would notice.
13. Who was the first person to send/give you flowers?
My parents, but before that boy wise it was Ben Qualls hahahah.
14. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parents house?
Who knows where that will be.
15. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
Either Dyvone or Andy.
16. Who's wedding were you in the first time?
None yet, I would have been in my brothers if he didn't get married in Vegas.
17. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Get sick to my stomach and think about how fucking angry I am that I have to go to school.
18. What was the first concert you ever went to?
Eminem, Missy Elliot, and D12
19. What was your first major surgery?
None so far.
20. At what age did you get your First tattoo or piercing?
I got my ears pierced when I was 3 or 4.